Labor Secretary Alex Acosta hit former billionaire and accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein for the latest charges against him involving underage girls, calling the allegations “horrific.”
Alex are you suffering from amnesia? Hello, you prick, what you were supposed to be prosecuting him for was sexual abuse/rape of minors–child porn is horrific, and we don’t know much more about the new charges, but again–HELLO, you were in charge of the case in the early aughts when he was physically abusing children.
Acosta called the new charges an “important opportunity to more fully bring him to justice.”
“Hmmp, some of those girls weren’t no bigger than a little squirrel.”
Stupid, dumb and sad pedophile-enabler Acosta should have kept his mouth shut and waited for the news cycle to play out and for Bill Barr to shut down the Epstein investigation to protect Preshitident Skanky-Manslut and Iwanka.
As an aside, have you ever seen any presidential administration in such a CYA mode over underage sex parties? No? You haven’t? Me neither.
This isn’t to say that some people we like won’t get swept up in this scandal – though “scandal” seems like too small a word for this. This is worldwide rich-person hedonism: a form of rot that could turn into a major catastrophe. But it needs to be faced like that dry-rotted load-bearing beam in your basement.