Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL)’s supposed alibi for the DOJ probe into sex-trafficking allegations brings the bombastic Trump supporter into the bizarre, grifter-filled world of the hunt for missing FBI agent Robert Levinson.
Bastard son of Trump, isn’t Gaetz? I bet these tactics work great on 17-year-olds! Kent could tell us how stupid Gaetz is, but then he would have to make us die (laughing.) Lots of half-truths, ghosts, and innuendo in Gaetz’s defense.
This surrogate for Gaetz can’t tell us everything because national security is involved, don’t cha know.
I have some very knowledgeable friends. They tell me that Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and Saddam Hussein’s sons Uday and Oboy are also involved as participants. I don’t think my friends would lie about something important like this.
PS: It is possible that my friends were confusing Uday and Obay with Eric and Don Jr. Not much difference anyways.
Until we see charges filed, resulting from an FBI investigation, this “news” is all blowing smoke. Lying to reporters has no repercussions for Gaetz and his ilk. That’s what they do. Lying to the FBI, or lying under oath, now that has repercussions.
As for the 17 year old, I’m waiting for her parents to surface, and for them to sue Gaetz. There’s gold in them thar hills.
The way I heard it, if Gaetz’s daddy fronted the money he would get it back out of the reward once Levison’s release was achieved and Biden would be so grateful he would pardon Gaetz. I am having a hard time figuring out the crime. It certainly isn’t extortion. It would be a stupid waste of daddy Gaetz’s money but there is no reason to believe MacGee could deliver a quid pro quo or that he or any of the other players even suggested one.
The plot assumes Gaetz is guilty of what we used to call a Mann Act violation, taking an underage girl child across a state line for debauchery or other immoral purposes.
Biden is going to issue a preemptive pardon to an exhausting hardcore Republican Trumper, for crimes not yet charged, let alone litigated and brought to a verdict. And said alleged crimes swirled around statutory rape and sex trafficking and Mann Act violations.
For those not in the Military know…an Air Force Captain is a low rank. It’s the last of the junior officer grades and NO WAY a punk of that rank is in to big things. Usually the Air Force would “up or out” an O3 ( Captain ) after 10 to 12 years if they did not make O4 ( Major ). So this asshole did not stick around long or lost his commission due to failure to advance. He is a nobody!
I feel like this story is over now until some new big development like he gets indicted, his brah Joel cops a plea as a cooperating witness, official statements are made by DoJ, extortion indictments, etc.
And those brave Democrats led by granny Pelosi say Gaetz should step down from his Judicial Committee assignment!
Hey Democrats…Gaetz should be removed from all Government business until he is either prosectured or cleared.
Put Gaetz on ice NOW! The US Criminal justice system is unable to keep up…thanks to budget cuts and a President who thinks he’s above all of our government corruption. Biden needs to stop listening to Obama!
No multi trillion dollar infrastructure program without addressing the rampant Government corruption…Trump was not a one off. Trump was an opportunist of a system that is BROKEN!