Abortion Group, Dems Warn Swing State Voters That RFK Is Just As Dangerous As Trump On Abortion - TPM – Talking Points Memo

As abortion access promises to be an energizing driver for voter turnout in 2024 — with abortion initiatives making their ways onto ballots in a handful of states — abortion advocates and the Democratic Party are reminding voters early and often that a vote for President Biden is the way to preserve abortion access in their states.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1486708

RFKJr keeps trying to articulate something like the original Roe v. Wade framework – no restrictions first trimester, no undue burdens the second trimester, and free to ban in the third trimester so long as life and health of the mother are protected. But then he invariably starts talking about stuff like the national 15-week ban and other restrictions that just show he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about, just spitballing whatever crap he thinks his audience in the moment wants to hear.

What matters to a conspiracy theorist is what the conspiracist has to say, not any underlying truths. And RFKJr. is fully of that mindset.


Sounds like he hasn’t the slightest idea what he wants to do with his life.
Since he is totally fucked up he is giving us a chance to help him fuck up our lives to give him a reason for living.


[Kennedy Jr] has repeatedly dismissed the importance of abortion rights

They’re no big deal to him.

If government micromanagement of pregnancy assures him of a few votes or, better, a few new donors, he’ll say whatever you want to hear. Just don’t step on his rugged individualism.

Like the women say, don’t trust him.


“I think the states have a right to protect a child once the child becomes viable, and that right, it increases.”

I think the states have a right to protect actual born children with…oh, I don’t know…maybe a measles-vaccine requirement for attending public school.

Something like that.

Sorry Bobby, but you don’t get to scream “My body, my choice!” when it comes to deadly epidemics and public-health emergencies…but then throw “choice” under the bus by standing between every woman and her own body.


I think a woman has the right to decide what to do with her own body all the time.

But to RFK and 2024, I know a poll is not serious, including those that show Biden in the lead, that have RFK with more than 2% of the vote. Because come November, that is the most RFK will receive. The only way RFK will get more than 2% is if there is a revolt among Republicans against Trump who for whatever reason refuse to vote for a competent Democrat.


The person I feel sorry for in all this is the actress Cheryl Hines. I mean, she thought she was marrying a Kennedy and instead she got stuck with an escaped mental patient.


On the same day that the Washington Post published an article critical of 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s flimsiness on the issue, an abortion rights group began an ad campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin, painting RFK Jr. as a danger to in-vitro fertilization and abortion access generally.

Not so much flimsy. More like flim-flam.


RFK Jr. is just plain nuts.


Everyone is ignoring the OBVIOUS selling points here: RFK Jr. is at least as psychotic as Trump, and he’s younger than Biden. How is he not the perfect canfidate?


The United States is now the Divided States.




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RFK Jr. is a menace to society.


Even if he were 100% pro-choice, a vote for RFK Jr. would still endanger women’s reproductive freedoms because it makes it more likely that the anti-freedom candidate would win.


Welcome back! Obviously, you’ve been missed!


Kennedy uses her for sanity-washing. How many times has she “interpreted” his plain words to be something less atrocious, “just asking questions” and the like? She gives meaning to stand by your man, doesn’t she.

I don’t believe for a minute that she can separate his political statements from her own inclinations in spite of her claims that he isn’t speaking for her. I mean, the conspiracy and anti-vaxx worldviews are baked deeply into his person, and she married him anyway.

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Flim-flamsy is definitely a word we need these days.


Is it steroids that make his face look puffy like that?

Presumably also accounts for the anger and paranoid delusions.


Coud be. He was messed up from a very early age. Probably got a double dose of nasty nature and negligent nurture. All of that fight or flight hormone production no doubt had bad effaces on his mind, body and behavior. At this point he is propped up with whatever real doctors and himself think will keep him going. Being under behavioral control in a court room is a new stress in his life that has to be kicking his ass.

It is astounding to me that such a completely messed up person could assume so much power over a civilized nation. It shows an existential defect in humanity.


*In your guts you know he’s nuts": Widely repeated billboard ad against Barry Goldwater in 1964.


Those who think that a lunatic anti-vaxxer whose philandering basically drove his first wife to suicide will take more more votes from Biden than he will from Trump doesn’t have a clue about the Democratic base.

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