A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued an executive order yesterday that banned COVID-19 vaccine requirements across the board, including for employees and customers of private businesses.
Can someone in the state of Texas file a law suit against such dangerous laws (and their lack of logic if you stop for even a second) and initiate a rational discussion of what is in the best interests of the citizens of the state? Putting out a mandate banning another type of mandate doesn’t strike him as absurd? I’m sure he knows that but is caught up in the political Kabuki theater of his Party. Meanwhile, people will die as a consequence. I long ago gave up on any Republican showing rational thought. Too many drank the Trump Kool-Aid, and the others are too frighten for their careers or future to do the right thing and state that the King has no clothes on. The situation would almost be humorous if lives were not being lost. But Texas is all about law and order - just like the East German Stasi and Soviet NKVD where people are paid to turn fellow citizens in. The only problem is the Republican Party is anti-intellectual so they don’t read history. This Party must go.
It’s fine for the owner of a bakery to make a business decision to not bake gay wedding cakes, but it’s terrible for a business owner to require vaccinations in the middle of a pandemic that’s killed over 700,000 Americans.
Appearing on The Ingraham Angle , Arroyo first grumbled about California’s new bill requiring gender-neutral toy aisles in large retail stores, prompting host Laura Ingraham to snark: “Good, they will have a place to sell that new Superman bisexual DC comic book toy that was announced today.” Arroyo, meanwhile, complained about other fictional comic book characters who have been given LGBTQ identities recently.
Netflix Suspends Trans Employee Who Criticized Chapelle’s Special
Here let me fix this headline for you, “Netflix Suspends Engineer Who Attempted to Participate in Meeting of Executives”
We shouldn’t normalize Chapelle’s behavior, but if any employee is disrupting executive meetings they should expect consequences. If Terra Fields wanted extra attention for her concerns, great this did the trick but I expect TPM to be better than other click-bait sites.
Report on Chepelle’s comments, report on Terra’s response, report on Netflix’s reaction but don’t waste our time with false anger over a perfectly normal business decision.
So… in Texas, if a fetus dies of covid, can I sue Abbot for $10,000? Any research of covid and miscarriages?Even if it only happened once… it’s a crime against God and all of humanity because evey baby deserves life, innit?
So, Abbott’s mandate very specifically rules out mandates related to the COVID-19 vaccine … and only the COVID-19 vaccine … ? Really?
And any mandates that specifically required any or all of: polio… measles, mumps, rubella … tetanus… meningitis… small pox … Hepatitis… and / or others - - - well those would all be untouched by Abbott’s piece of performance art.
To say Abbott’s stunt “lacks logic” is a grotesque understatement.
…and when it come to all of the federal employees ont the US military bases … and various federal government facilities … is Abbott going to pretend to have jurisdiction?
So the next step will be for Texas (and other Republican lead states) to “outlaw” all vaccine mandates, including those for measles, mumps, and rubella, currently required for all children attending public schools. There is no difference in principle between the COVID vaccine and any other FDA approved vaccine. This is anarchy, pure and simple. I also note that a number of Republican senators are backing a change to the National Defense Authorization Act that would prohibit the DoD from requiring military personnel to take the vaccine. These political stunts are going to cost even more lives.
Ok but can I, as an individual, sue entities that refuse to have vaccine mandates? This is clearly how the law works in Texas now and surely Abbott cares about consistency, right?
These people’s Covid vaccine derangement syndrome defies logic.