Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) vowed Monday he would continue busing migrants to Democratic cities — an ongoing stunt he and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have been using to score political points for months, all at the expense of vulnerable migrants.
But this is more than about Abbott but about a large but minority of Americans, I’d say 35%. That is Abbott is only doing this because for Abbott it is good politics.
Republicans are actually competing for being the most cruel. From the article:
“In September 2022, he (DeSantis) one-upped Abbott when he flew migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard promising them aid – and dropped them on the island without notifying local authorities.”
didn’t work for Laura Ingram’s very real trauma, so i think you reach a certain level of nastiness in adulthood, and even a shocking life event will not cause you to turn around and think 'hmm, maybe others are suffering and i can help"
I live in TX. Abbott is a scumbag who is convinced that his hate-filled base will turn out more than the progressives and aware people will. In past cycles, he’s been right.
Has anyone ever pointed out that the reason Abbott, and only Abbott has had to deal with migrants is because Texas is border state? I mean the feds send money and personnel to the border, should they now divert these migrants along with the money to other states like IA, ND, SD, and the like?