Morning Memo comes to you this week from Knoxville, Tennessee, where I’m checking in on my folks. Sign up for the email version.
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Morning Memo comes to you this week from Knoxville, Tennessee, where I’m checking in on my folks. Sign up for the email version.
I almost stumbled into being Fr1st!
Well, when you are repeatedly REfresHing the HomepagE like @maxheadroom as if He’s trYing to get GOOD seatS for A Taylor Swift concert on TickeTmaster, You’LL neVER be FirST.
[that sick F] continued to demonstrate this weekend how utterly unfit for any public office he is, how disastrous a second term would be, and how much pain and suffering he would inflict on actual people.
This is the pithy type of dire summary I love from Tpm’s writers. This dangerous, contagious nonsense needs to be called out for what it is.
I’m tired of ‘Strongman’.
Strong men aren’t born rich golfers with pretend haircuts who have never been in a fight.
Threatens “bloodbath” if he loses
And soon to be…felon
He’s a shoe-in for the R-nomination.
And he isn’t even trying to win over any new voters…in fact, he’s going against what the polls indicate as the majority, on nearly every issue. Except for immunizations. And he has selfishly torpedoed a bipartisan bill for border reform.
Kate Spotted!
But… No pics, no named witnesses which any pesky actual reporters could call up and double-check the claims… Tons of pics in their coverage, all conveniently from months or years ago.
Something remains quite suspicious across the pond. No wonder Harry and Meghan fled.
Polls, polls and more polls, that this one is noteworthy.
Start rolling the tape of the events of January 6th soon to refresh some minds.
Yep! If you’re running late/got a busy day ahead, a few minutes with Mourning Memo will ensure an adequate level of dread and depression through at least early afternoon.
You’re not wrong… but, remember, Biden is old.
You are the first with opposable thumbs so there is that.
Aren’t we all exhausted by his shit?
And he hasn’t carpet-bombed Tel Aviv.
And has been driven around in a limousine his entire life,
Does he even possess a Drivers License? Has he even ever had a DL?
(Would love to stick him in an old VW Beetle and tell him to drive.)
I’ve already decided to crawl back under the covers…
(not a complaint about the MM, it’s just telling it like it is…)