A Turning Point In America’s Cold Civil War … If We’re Lucky

Well, the Judicial Harlot of Fort Pierce cannot argue anymore that her case is unprecedented, the defendant in her case is a convicted felon.


Sometime in the next few weeks he is going to have to show up at a distressingly dingy office in a distressfully dingy public building filled with desks and furniture that were distressingly dingy even when they were new 60 years ago. And in that room, he will have to give a lengthy interview to a probation officer who’s going to assess his character and culpability based on any number of factors. It is going to be the single most terrifying day of trump’s life, and I am all in for it.


Pearl Harbor
The Civil War
Kennedy assassination


His accountability for cheating in the 2016 election is the darkest day.

Only to him.

The rest of America is CELEBRATING!!!

Oh, and where’s the “bloodbath” Donnie? I don’t see any bloodbaths…


Tough shit donnie…btw You are not America. It may be a dark day for you but here the sun shines. You, donnie, are just a criminal slob from Queens.


I thought they put their finger on the scales for HRC. I can’t keep up, I need to spend more time on social media consuming twaddle.


Thank you.


Read the Kurt Eichenwald piece I linked above. He definitively debunks the myth of “the all-powerful DNC.”

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The only thing that comes to mind is “Must watch TV.”


This is NOT a cat, thank Dog!

Donnie’s sentencing day is July 11.

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Not all of us were raised on the “good will triumph over evil” narrative. That is a western, European, Christian narrative. It arbitrarily classifies what we see into good versus evil, right versus wrong, just versis unjust. This way of classing and dichotomizing everything into preexisting categories, comparing what is to what should be, and being devastated when reality falls short of our expectations, leads to a lot of self-inflicted disapointment and despair, and blinds us to other ways seeing the world. In the name of the good, a lot of bad has been done.

I’m not proposing any grand solutions. To do so would be to contradict what I just put into words above.

I will say this, and apply it only to myself: See the world as it it is, without the filter of judgement. What can I personally do to get rid of Trump? Vote. Tackle climate change? Vote. Stop the slaughter in Gaza? Vote. I don’t expect immediate change, but I do know that something I can personally do to effect change is to vote. Donate money to groups supporting voting rights. Volunteer as an election worker. Set an example of kindness and clarity for my students.

You know, it would be nice if TPM would place U.S. national politics in a global context. How about a roundup of headlines around the world? How do other nations see us? How are they grappling with the threat of Trump, or dealing with their own Trump-like figures? Aren’t there any scholars we can invite to write essays putting things into a global perspective?


During these dangerous times, let’s reflect upon Puppy.


President Elizabeth Cheney, for example.


Further even… Nixon.

Republican lesson was to never give up, never give in. We are seeing that now.


Makes me think they know something diabolical.


He knew a paper trail is how people go to jail and to try to keep himself slightly distant from the crimes he was having other people do for him. What really screwed him in this case was a couple of documents and recordings that if he knew existed he would of wanted destroyed.


I want to see him at the debates wearing an ankle monitor.


I don’t really care about any of that. Just tell me when he’s dead.

I’ve been thinking more of the fact that the Ivana Jr Trump/Jared Kushner union has produced a few kids that have inherited some pretty bad genes from both their maternal and paternal grandfathers. They are the ones who should be monitored and intervened upon, if they show evidence of pathology. But we will never know about them. They live in pretty well-sealed off bubbles.


I can’t undo my like, so I’ll clarify.


Democrats are famously rowdy and inclined toward messy politics, so the DNC doesn’t have nearly the influence over democratic voters that the RNC had over theirs (before DT castrated it). I don’t know if the DNC actually did what you claim, but regardless, Obama was by far the choice of democratic voters.


Countdown to the trump pity party at 11
Hear he will take questions too
should be fun
After conviction, Trump to hold press conference at Trump Tower (msn.com)