A Rollicking Tick-Tock Of The Comically Inept SharpieGate Scandal | Talking Points Memo

You didn’t have a little giggle when they called the crypt keeper Ross in Greece?

Anything to avoid another Tulsa (where there is a spike of new cases?).
I really wanna see more public humiliation of trump

I don’t know if I read here, or heard it on the radio/TV but when there’s enough shenanigans that goes on in week that would have been the talk of the decade prior to Trump, then timelines are hard to keep track of.


I assume you were channeling J. Peterman when writing the title. It was a rip-snorting jolly read.


Just think how many, and how early they’d line up if Trump offered COVID-19 testing before his rallies? :thinking:


Nobody is going to enjoy outdoor venues in Florida or in Texas or Arizona right now.

Texas is under a heat dome and our advisories are for literally killing heat.

Put on a suit and tie, boys, and come listen to politicians spew more hot air at you.


Yeah, but the tests would be fake to save money. 5 days later they’d mail you the results: “Yep, you’re positive.” They wouldn’t be wrong, either.


I read that and thought to myself -for the first time ever - he really doesn’t look good for 81, does he?

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Maybe trump could be convinced to do an outside rally in Phoenix on Sunday (projected high 115) or Tucson at 112. Fun and games in yer suit n tie. Donnie could spew about how summertime heat kill the virus. Btw… everyday for the next five at minimum will be over 105 here. I would ask Mr. Genius trump why the virus is still here since he knows so goddamned much about it.

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yeah I hear you. It gets worse here every day and the air quality here is bad, too. The heat dome over us is trapping humidity and smog and holding it.

It’s worse in Houston - it gets worse with every mile you go south of Austin which is magnitudes hotter than Dallas.

And I know how hot it gets there - it’s its own kid of torture in Arizona.

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It might be ok if donald were comically inept and it did not cost thousands of lives. As it is he has damaged thousands of refugee families and their children. Cages are evil. And his inept and pretty much absent national leadership over the pandemic has killed tens of thousands of people, some of whom may have voted for him. He called himself a “wartime president” as if this was some sort of ratings game. Then he got bored and walked away.
Three and a half years into his term and he still has no fucking clue what he is doing.


The sickness:

(1) Good folk do good work with integrity and pride, accurately analyzing the storm and informing the public.

(2) The moronic and profoundly insecure sociopath in chief, always wanting to feel grand, can not resist giving a warning of threatened major destruction from the storm. This feeds his addiction, his personality disorder: it makes him feel powerful. Both major components of his sociopathy are active here, the moronic and the insecure.

(3) People in high office, all lickspittle abusers of power, rally to defend the psycho in chief by abusing and threatening – with loss of jobs – the very people who have done important, technical, and honest work.

(4) The lickspittle abusers of power are never threatened with losing jobs or forced to apologize (it is never an apology when forced) for their craven assholery. It is utterly beyond them to acknowledge that they are lickspittle abusers of power.

(5) The lickspittle abusers of power learn nothing, maintain high office, and go on to fuck the country over another day.

(6) The “insolence of office” was alive and well in Shakespeare’s day. Republicans, being Republicans, always take it to new heights.


Nothing realistic.

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yeah, me too. my list always starts with find some honest GOP lawmakers …


Oxymoron. The last of them either died or quit.

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My only quibble with your whole post is here. They do get summarily dumped whenever their inept lickspittling is exposed by the media and it starts to reflect badly back on Trump. See the long line of Admin folks who get tossed by the wayside the moment they start getting too much negative press (e.g. Omarosa Manigault Newman, Mick Mulvaney, Sean Spicer, Jeff Sessions).


That was fun.

Obviously Donald Trump is a bad comedian.

Al Franken should switch to the Republican Party — they’ll love him — run for President — he’ll win — and govern as a radical liberal.

Dream big, Al.

Foolish virgin.

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The depths of Dump’s depraved egomaniacal vanity and the sycophancy of his lackeys is beyond anything I could ever have imagined in a US Presidency.

Jesus Christ - Make. It. Stop. Please.

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