A Real Vaccine Before the Election? It’d Take a Miracle. | Talking Points Memo

Who would be gullible enough to trust anything coming from this Administration? You’d be better off using leeches and reading tea leaves until the adults are back in charge.


I think the best vaccine or way to prevent or otherwise mitigate the Trumpence-demic plaguing America and the world is to defeat Donald Trump.

In fact the Trumpence-demic has already made any vaccine mute for the over 200,000 Americans killed and over 2,000,000 more Americans who will have health issues the rest of their lives.

That is I fail to see how a vaccine before the election would save Trump because it is already to late to save America from the Trumpence-demic.

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Aw, c’mon. Jim Bakker already has a cure. I can’t remember if it contains cyanide or silver nitrite. Doesn’t matter. He says it works and that’s good enough for me!


In light of all the short-circuiting and abuse Trumplethinskin has done with the scientific process in the CDC and with respect to vaccine development, I think that at least three criteria must be met before I consider taking a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.

  1. Approval from Dr. Anthony Fauci. Let him say unequivocally that it is safe.
  2. At least six months from final dosage to a significant number of volunteers to ensure that there are either no or very minimal side effects.
  3. Efficacy must be known and at least 70%. I’m being generous by setting it that low. I’d prefer well above 90%.

Colloidal silver, and it turns your skin blue. Obviously he’s in on the conspiracy.


So are the Smurfs. You don’t see them getting COVID, do you?


I keep thinking about people trying to convey all this complex information to our moron president.


I always wondered what the Blue Man Group’s secret was. At first I thought it was talent. But now ….

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They have already gone into production on a couple of the drugs - betting that they will work. If they don’t then all those vaccines get tossed. I believe it’s the US govt that’s bank rolling the early production - though the Gates Foundation may be in on it too.


Johnson & Johnson might be the dark horse in the vaccine game even though they got a later start. Their vaccine has a 98% efficacy.

Researchers said 98 per cent of participants in the study whose data was available had neutralising antibodies, which help the body fight off pathogens, a month after they received the vaccine.


We are still waiting on the “BETTER and LOWER COST” health care insurance trump promised 3.5 years ago. The latest promised date for release of the plan was “by the end of August” which was a month ago. It’s much like the way trump pays his bills. He doesn’t. He expected folks to forget. If they don’t he threatens to sue them and throws more money at lawyers than his original bill was worth thus driving himself further into debt. But he’s “the king of debt” he has loudly proclaimed. This is the behavior we have seen repeated tine and again. This is the world’s worst businessman. A moving Ponzi scheme.

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Induction of antibodies that neutralize virus in tissue culture does not always correlate with protection, so the 98% reported by J&J may not mean much. Besides, J&J uses a variant of the technology used by Astra Zenaca/Oxford - an attenuated Adenovirus carrier of COVID virus dna. The safety issues with that vaccine have not been resolved.


It’s interesting that an administration that has spent four years claiming that “experts” don’t know as much as people with “common sense” did not anticipate that common sense might convince people that a rushed vaccine might not be a good idea.

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Wasn’t a tissue culture experiment. It was a phase ll trial with 1,000 participants
They are starting a phase lll trial with 60,000 people now. The only drawback is that it MAY not be as effective in people over 65. They need more older people in the phase lll trial.

Nearly 1,000 healthy adults participated in the clinical trial, which began after Johnson & Johnson saw that the vaccine provided strong immune protection when tested on monkeys.

The company began the latest phase of the trials on Wednesday when it began a 60,000-person trial. If results are successful, the trial would be another step on the path to a viable coronavirus vaccine.

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His Rose Garden Covid testing plan was a bit of a laugher.

The White House has a Rose Garden event today celebrating a covid testing contract they already announced in August. pic.twitter.com/3Ztsj88Aqw

— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) September 28, 2020
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I hope that works, because I have a couple of ounces of that.

Joe’s going to ask him about it tomorrow night. And then Joe’s going to confirm Trump, Ivanka, Melania, the two boys and Rudy will be taking the first injections, on television for all to see. Yeah.

Wear a mask, use leeches and read tea leaves…

My Son in Law will get the Moderna phase 3 vacine next week.


Curses. Nature wins again!

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