A Quarter Century Of Photos Of Trump And Harris

Originally published at: A Quarter Century Of Photos Of Trump And Harris - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Former President Trump and Vice President Harris have spent the last 25 years in very, very different ways: Trump as a larger-than-life tabloid icon, Harris as a prosecutor and local, then state, then national politician. Let’s take a look. 1997: Kamala Harris serves as Alameda County deputy district attorney in Oakland, California(Photo by Mary F.…

I bet this was fun to put together. A nice diversion that also reminds us of who these two people are. Well done!



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The photos of her show a focused public servant. The photos of him show an indulged aging celebrity. Very appropriate.


Bad man.


TPM has an official designer and event planner. Why and who knew? :sunglasses:

bOtH sIdEs ArE ThE sAmE! kAmAlA hArRiS hAsN’t DoNe AnYtHiNg!


Trump has looked like a self-righteous buffoon from Day One.


Guy should start a klub, “Sociopaths for Chump”.

No surprise that the NRA would hire someone like this.


One is grifting, selling shitty toys, fooling with Wrestle Mania and behaving like a rich playboy. The other has elective experience rising from assistant County AG to County AG and then to California AG. The other guy muses about running in 2011. He thought being POTUS was a grand photo op just as he was used to and he could be POTUS and run the Trump Org at the same time. He said so. He was that ignorant about the office. In some ways he still is. This man should never ever be trusted with anything…let alone nuclear weapons.


2004: Trump reveals new talking doll.
No need to pull a string. It never shuts up.


Great contrasts, well done!

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Well, there you have it.

What a rug Trump is wearing in those earlier pics.

One thing that doesn’t get mentioned much is that he was always a homely looking guy with a receding chin and terrible hair. Just a pale, washed out guy whose only sex appeal ever was the money in his pocket. All that definitely defined him as a mark for potential gold diggers.


All that definitely defined him as a mark for potential gold diggers.

Missing whole chunks of a normal personality, he is a “digger” himself – just for women who accessorize his image as a “success.”


I was guessing he went to Ohio State and was the inspiration for the Springfield story. Every accusation is a confession.

But it looks like he went to school in MI.


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