A Fourth Election Fraud Case Under DeSantis’s Stunt Goes Nowhere

Another case under Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R) faux election fraud program has been dismissed, marking three dismissals and four defunct cases overall.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1443335

Time for another planeload of immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard.


I suggest a name change for Ron: DeSantis to DeStuntis


a. MAGAssholes don’t care. The parasitic meme is in their brain, eating away.
b. “A Lie travels 3 times around the world before the Truth puts its boots on in the morning.” —Twain.
c. Those innocent/harassed folks now need to sue DeSantis and get him & his crew of reprobates deposed.


I think Buffalo, NY would be a crueler and better option.


From the Article:

[“DeSantis’s new Office of Election Crimes and Security, a political stunt veiled as a task force designed to whip up MAGA support ahead of his potential presidential run in 2024.”]

“Task Force”…for selfish, cruel and opportunistic means. To appeal to people DeSantis preys upon for his own purposes.

It might work, if the majority of voters are up for disastrous policy with a dash of sadism.



Ron, “you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” - Inigo Montoya

“My name is Joseph R. Biden. You tried to kill my democracy. Prepare to die.” - Joe Biden


The GOP gov who sends to Buffalo will definitely be in the running for the 2024 nomination.


DeSantis…another fucking lying shit weasel.
(wanna know how I really feel?)


Or Worse… Connecticut. Ugh

O/T: https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/26/politics/george-santos-admits-embellishing-resume/index.html

“I never claimed to be Jewish,” Santos told the Post. “I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”

Thanks for clearing that one up, George.


They are all lying shit weasels. It’s Just that Rhonda Sentence is who Joe will have to find a way to effectively attack in the next year or so.

Trump is a loser, Republicans know it. Rhonda will take the mantle

I have personal reasons for hating trump. It’s best that he is thousands of miles away from me. Three family members got covid in 2020. My sister and hubby are dealing with it right now. trump’s early on incompetence…


Maybe, but I wouldn’t count on it. DeSantis is a black hole of charisma, with no traces of personality able to escape his event horizon. He’s highly likely to get his lunch eaten onstage at the GOP primary debates, which will result in him standing there stupidly looking like he just smelled a really greasy fart. DeSantis is a cup of decaf coffee compared to Trump’s uncut cocaine. With or without Trump in the race, I think DeSantis is done after Super Tuesday.


I think Republicans will be looking for Cruelty in the mold of Trump, but someone they think will be a winner.

I think they will latch onto Rhonda for this reason.

Trump may pull it out if the field is crowed enough


DeSantis is 2016 Scott Walker. The superficially normal hardcore conservative who all the funders get behind as their consensus alternative to Trump, but who doesn’t survive first contact with prime time television.


I’ll give you that… I have opined multiple times that…

Rhonda Sentence is the Mike Pompeo of Scott Walker’s…


And yet…saw my first DeSantis for Prez lawn sign yesterday. In blue Massachusetts. Happy Boxed In Day!


The one I find most funny is that NH Gov. Sununu thinks he can sneak in hoping the Trump style fever breaks.

He is such a dingus. His attempt is going to sour him with the state. Which is good, he’s the stickler on legal weed here in the “Live free (but not weed) or Die” state.


We can expect to see a constant stream of this kind of fascist performance art from DeSantis and Abbot running right up to Election day.

Causing suffering for disfavored groups and “owning the libs” is a feature, and the cruelty just mirrors the feelings of their supporters on the RW.