A Christian Chatbot Has Some Bad News For Republicans

Just another foray into fake clairvoyance, like Tarot cards, Nostradamus, the Mechanical Turk, or Uri Geller, about which people will get worked up as if it has real significance to the social problems created by that other bit of fake clairvoyance: religion.


Causation is not correlation. Men are about power and money and when men control religion (clergy) then religion becomes about power and money. Not every religion is burdened by clergy.


Ask “Republicans refuse to help the poor. Will Republicans burn in the fires of hell”?




There’s a remarkable similarity between this banking failure and Twitter.

Trump/Musk business practices in plain sight.

Next, the global economy?

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But biblical literalists claim there is only one meaning of God’s word, and Christian nationalists contend our laws and policies must be based on it.

Perhaps there is one meaning, but we don’t know it.

See the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11.

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ChatKJV readily has the answer for that, in the New Testament. John 8
And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Things changed from the Old to New Testament although it appears many fundies prefer the Old.


Oh and this one – “Kill the actuaries.” How prophetic!


Exactly! In my words, Jesus did not follow the scriptures of the Old Testament


No, actually they are heaping on coal:

Politico reports:

Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.), is introducing a bill Tuesday, shared exclusively with POLITICO, to expand current restrictions on who qualifies for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. It’s the first of what is expected to be a wave of GOP efforts this year to set limits on SNAP, the country’s largest food assistance program, which grew significantly during the pandemic.

Johnson’s bill would expand the age bracket for able-bodied SNAP recipients without dependents, who have to meet complicated work requirements. Democrats, however, note the majority of people who receive SNAP benefits are already working and, at the moment, are grappling with surging food prices, a challenge exacerbated by the end of a pandemic-era increase in aid.

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That is the take that the Fundamentalists are pushing.

The KJV was done rather hurriedly from corrupt and incomplete texts. The best that can be said of the texts used for the translation is that they were what the translators happened to have on hand at the time. Some passages that they had no text for they simply invented. It is well known among Biblical scholars that the KJV is the least accurate English translation ever made.

But if it was divinely inspired then it is all good-- this is the new authentic Bible (and in English!, the new Biblical language).

The archaic King James English has long had the aura of being the “Godly English” among religious zealots and the poorly educated, such that pronouncements of new divine inspiration have long been popularly declaimed in imitations of KJ English. The whole Book of Mormon was composed in this style and for this very reason. God speaks KJ English you see.


“Suffer the little ones…”
Axios reports:

Legislators in multiple states are invoking a widespread labor shortage to push bills that would weaken long-standing child labor laws. Some bills go beyond expanding eligibility or working hours for run-of-the-mill teen jobs. They’d make it easier for kids to fill physically demanding roles at potentially hazardous work sites.

Iowa lawmakers are considering Republican legislation that would allow 14- and 15-year-olds to work in industrial laundry services and freezers at meatpacking plants. It’d also prevent many of them from receiving worker’s compensation if they are sickened, injured or killed on the job.

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You aren’t alone, Mr. Bill. When I was a teen, I was strongly encouraged to study the Bible. That’s not a good idea to build faith for a kid with decent critical thinking skills…


Ditto, here. Raised in the Baptist sect, which emphasized Biblical study, individual conscience and free will. Not the outcome with me that they desired.


The Southern Baptists seem to have de-emphasized all of that…which makes me wonder what entitles them to the name, “Baptist.” But hey, history’s important to me…


Recent polls have nearly half of Evangelicals no longer believing in the divinity of Jesus - thereby abandoning the Nicene Creed that had defined Christianity for 1598 years (yep, just two years from its 1600th anniversary) aligning them with Islam.

I attribute this to the “What would Jesus do?” meme which invariably leads to answers that Evangelicals don’t like.


If we are using AI to resolve moral issues, religious issues, spiritual issues…it’s over, folks.

Now nobody will really know anything, and understand less.


There you go, muddying the waters with so-called verified facts.

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Well, there’s where the coders got it wrong. “Christian Nationalists” only go by the Old Testament. You know, the one where Gawd is smiting and slaying and committing genocide with the worst of them. Who let the chatbot look at the New Testament, anyway? Everybody knows that “Jesus” fella was a dirty Lib!


I remember fondly the scene in “The West Wing”, where President Jeb Bartlett, former divinity student, takes apart a rightwing “faith leader” (aka “grifter”) with his superior and detailed scriptural knowledge.

Also the old “Colbert Report” in which Stephen asks a GQP congresscritter to name “The Ten Commandments”, which said Congressman has been saying need to be the basis for US laws. The guy only managed to guess at one or two. (And NOT the first and second, either).


You see, the owners of that motorhome had the first sign wrong: It should have read: DOG IS MY CO-PILOT.

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