A $500K Confederate Monument Chair Became A Toilet, Folks

A self-identified “anti-racist action group” made good on its threat to turn a stolen Confederate monument into a toilet.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1368702
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Man, I want a picture of the guy squatting.

It sounds epic.

EDIT: Ah, here we are.


Here he is looking in…afterwards…


And more!


The ransom note…


The UDC member would not say whether she believed the fact that Civil War was fought over slavery, only that she was “offended by those who are trying to rewrite history and impose their own ideas and their own opinions about days gone by.”

Funny, she doesn’t come across as a self loathing southerner.


So this is what all the commode-tion’s about?


The UDC member would not say whether she believed the fact that Civil War was fought over slavery, only that she was “offended by those who are trying to rewrite history and impose their own ideas and their own opinions about days gone by.”

History is rewritten all the time. This is typically done by Historians. There are also usually ill-fated attempts to rewrite history by propagandists, including the fake Historians used by those in the South who attempted to rewrite the cause behind the Civil War. You know…the people who pushed the “Lost Cause.”

Really, the UDC knows better. They just don’t want to admit it. Their ancestors were unapologetic racists who fought to maintain slavery as a means to keep their property rights over other human beings. Many men died to rid the USA of slavery. Many men died to preserve slavery. Why try to glorify the memory of the men who tried to preserve slavery? The reality is that the “Lost Cause” wasn’t for the preservation of “states rights” or “culture” or “tradition” unless one takes to heart that those rights, cultures and traditions were based on the immorality of slavery. I would have hoped that we would have moved beyond this by now, but organizations like the UDC refuse to let it go.

Everybody knows exactly why Nathan Bedford Forrest fought for the South in the Civil War. He made his fortune in the slave trade.


Shit, that’s so appropriate.


Well at least “white lies matter” found a good use for it.


What special flavour of b.s. is this?


I am a Daughter of the Confederacy because I was born a Daughter of the Confederacy. A part of my heritage was that I came into this world with the blood of a soldier in my veins…a soldier who may have had nothing more to leave behind to me and to those who come after me except in heritage…a heritage so rich in honor and glory that it far surpasses any material wealth that could be mine. But it is mine, to cherish, to nurture and to make grace, and to pass along to those yet to come. I am, therefore, a Daughter of the Confederacy because it is my birthright.


Should have rigged in a Nathan Bidet Forrest.


Isn’t holding a stolen item for ransom a crime? Funny stunt, but I think it would have been smarter to do the toilet thing without demanding ransom. There must be other ways to attract attention.


“decided to move forward prematurely with the alteration of the chair.”



Though one of the big issues for the South was that they were a mono-culture industry. It was all riding on the cotton plantations and those were only profitable because of the slave labor. There was no way the plantation owners could have maintained their hold on political power (or their plantations) if they were forced to rely upon a paid workforce. So in some ways, holding other humans in bondage itself was secondary. The livelihood they were accustomed to and to which they sought to doggedly hold onto necessitated slave labor, however they personally felt on the matter.

The slave labor itself was first, the who was second, with white supremacy being a convenient excuse to justify it all.


showing an unidentified group member decked out in a Confederate uniform

Looks like he’s decked out in a Union uniform and using the Confederate battle flag to wipe with. Which I endorse.


It was clearly a threat.

Or “the Ladies of Selma, Ala.”* were given an easy opportunity to get their damnable chair back.

* Needless to say, that was always “some Ladies of Selma, Ala.”


I have the blood of a copper miner in my veins, but oddly I don’t feel an overwhelming compulsion to honor that heritage and cherish it, nurture it, make grace or pass it along. I guess it’s technically my birthright, but it seems a little weird to get worked up over.


Wow, I’m gonna have to think about this one.



Always was a toilet.