Am I to expect more thoughts and prayers? An AR-15 can fire dozens of bullets in under a minute as a semi-auto rifle. As I said yesterday, there is no reason a civilian would need such a weapon.
God bless you, citizens of El Paso and Dayton, and God bless you too, Americans, but if you want help in the here and now vote Democratic because the GOP won’t lift one finger, say one mumbling word, or spend a nickel of political capital to help you keep your children alive. They’d rather stay in power than take one hesitant step towards stopping this madness.
That’s why AR-15s are so popular with mass shooters. The carnage they can inflict in under a minute is unbelievable. Here’s a video of a 7 year old girl learning to shoot an AR-15:
Anyone can kill dozens of people in under a minute with one of these guns.
Call your members back to D.C., Madam Speaker, and pass a gun bill this week. Then we can watch while the Senate and their Moron do nothing. Oh, and then make a statement about Trump’s rhetoric directly causing this and what are the GOP going to do about it.
The GOP and the NRA and the KGB all want us to accept this as the new normal in America. I think i am safe in suggesting this, but on behalf of all Democrats everywhere, I say to the GOP, the NRA, and the KGB, FUCK YOU!!! We will never accept this, or you as the face of this country.
Guess what, Republicans, thoughts and prayers aren’t working, unless what you’re thinking of is money and what you’re praying for is more bodies of innocent people.
“Counties where Trump held a 2016 campaign rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes. He held a large rally in El Paso back in February. He held a rally in southern Ohio on Thursday night.”
Rick Wilson’s adage that everything Trump dies is even truer than he imagined.
The bargain you made, GOP, for tax cuts and judges. Who cares who loses their life in the meantime? And the genie is out of the bottle now - not much can be done at this point about the radicalization of young male Trump voters.
When are people going to realize that these shootings are central parts of the Republican party platform? They have enabled these to happen, they encourage these to happen, and they aren’t going to do anything to prevent them from happening. Ipso facto. “Mass Murderer Mitch” doesn’t have quite the ring of “Moscow Mitch,” but I’m fine with it.
That was the most unsafe way to handle a weapon I’ve seen in a long long time. No 7 yr old should handle a semi auto even when set to single shots. That kid has no idea the pain a small accident or momentary inattention can cause.