5th Circuit Rejects Challenge To Abortion Pill’s Approval, But Upholds Some Restrictions

A Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals panel handed down a decision Wednesday batting down challenges to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) initial approval of abortion drug mifepristone, but reinstituting restrictions that the agency has lifted in recent years.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1466396

Shorter Fifth Circuit: Okay, SCOTUS, we get the message. But we’re still gonna fuck things up a little bit. Is that okay?


What is it with right-wing reactionaries that are so obsessed with women pumping out babies?



Forced childbirth keeps the ladies more compliant.


Strictly my opinion, a woman who’s never thought about having children, but babies tie a woman down, less job opportunities, more part time work, and advancement in the work place comes to a halt. Moms feel compelled to get home to child care and I think it’s accurate to say dads don’t feel the same. Women who aren’t in the work force full time don’t squawk about the unfairness, they’re usually content to have a salary.


I see the 5th Circuit is doubling-down on their interpretation of standing that would make any restriction on standing moot:

As noted in the CSM article:

Standing calvinball, conservative-edition.


That’s changing. Too slowly, but it’s changing nonetheless


Which remains the reason that I think SCOTUS is still gonna fix this. Hypothetical standing creates way too much room for litigation shenanigans that they don’t want to have to deal with on the merits.


And as the right wing chips away at access to contraception, that means all women of child-bearing age have to keep those issues in the back of their minds. So it’s a little like working for one of those psycho bosses who keeps people in line by randomly firing someone every now and then just for the hell of it.


Everything under the sun changes, and better birth control access is liberating women. From what I read and understand women are not aching to have children, with or without a spouse, they enjoy the workplace and would rather be there than waiting outside a day care care venue to pick up the kiddie.


Full tilt resistance to being denied birth control is underway, some underground, others out in the open. Women are taking care of women in surprisingly innovative ways and not waiting for approval by the men in their lives and worse by men they’ve never met.


It’s basically an updated version of “Keep’em barefoot and pregnant.”


Well in today’s market finding childcare could be like looking for hen’s teeth. And finding childcare workers is one of the reasons why it’s hard to find childcare. Not to mention the workplaces that don’t have adequate maternity leave.


Except it seems that the supreme court has already approved hypothetical standing in the hypothetical gay wedding website case


Trump’s extremist court picks, like the anti abortion freak on the 5th Circuit (“judge” Ho), will be a decades long blight on our jurisprudence.


I entered the workforce in 1976, remained single and childless until 40, while achieving significant professional success in a (still) male-dominated industry. Decades of experience lead me to conclude that, at its most basic level, the history of controlling women and their bodies comes down to the benefit to men, mostly economic: less competition for jobs, advancement, and compensation; uncompensated work as caregiver, maid, cook, etc. Birth control changed the world for my generation; without the need to rely on a man to support children, we could make a hundred other choices regarding everything from careers to walking away from abusive relationships.


…until the high Court either issues its own ruling or declines to hear the likely coming appeal from the Fifth Circuit

Maybe it’s the way that’s written, but something about it bugs me.

I understand this is our judicial system, but… who the hell are all these people, dealing with these imagined or created legal nooks and crannies while they represent… who? what?

It seems more a system designed to get important issues to the designated King for a Day.

Okay. I’m fine. I’ll go back to posting cat pictures : - )


There are women, and I’m one of them, who decided long ago, that bearing children, raising them with all the issues that go along with that was not for me. I was a singleton and content to be one, maybe that affected my outlook.


Keeps women oppressed. Can’t let women compete with men. Some Men like their privilege. They take zero responsibility for a pregnancy or childbirth. They merely stand by to make it as difficult as possible.