5 Kinds Of American Evangelicals And Their Voting Patterns

My guess is the faithful are still stuck in Coachella


You make some very good points here but I won’t be praying for them. :sunglasses:


George nailed it like he always did…




Given the religion-fueled bender they’re on, I wonder when our Supreme Court will get around to decreeing something like this?


80% accurate by popular vote.

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”Others will vote for Harris, following the example of many Republican leaders who are seeking to move beyond the damage that Trump and the MAGA movement have done to the Republican Party and to conservatism.”

I find it confounding to blame Trump when it was conservatives & GOP who voted for Trump, enabling him to do their wishes in pursuit of power. It’s not Trumps fault. Trump was always blatantly dishonest, displayed amoral conduct regularly & historically as well as an in your face bigot.

So, how is he to blame for them empowering him?

ChristianTaliban aka Evangelicals are simply hypocrites that hate looking at themselves in the mirror Trump personifies.

gmafb with this move beyond damage Trump caused


The only division I’ve see in the evangelical crowd is the split between those that identify as Christians and those that act like they are. The Evangelical crowd has been taken a serious group guided by their Christian Faith. Horse Shit. They align themselves with a serial adulterer, compulsive liar, thief, coveter and blasphemer. You can’t do that if you’re guided by God. Nor would you be so passionately involved in secular politics if you were.

I suspect real Evangelicals are silently walking the walk. What are called Evangelical in the media are loud name dropping phonies propping themselves up by taking the Lords name in vain.


So only images of rocks and sand. Got it…


The overwhelming support for Donald “Grab her by the …” Trump, just like support for Ronald, first governor in American history to sign a bill legalizing abortion Reagan proves that “values” in front of the word voter is and has always been code for RACE.

If the author of this article is an “expert” on the Evangelical movement in politics, why can he not tell the truth about the movement’s origins. This big lie from the article.

Led by prominent figures such as the late Jerry Falwell, contemporary evangelicalism emerged as a political force in the 1970s and 1980s and championed conservative religious values. Since then, evangelicals have been regarded as a uniform, monolithic group who are opposed to gay rights, abortion and more, and that they are a reliable conservative voting bloc.

The truth is that Jerry Falwell and others in his movement began over one issue: RACE.

While the issue of RACE affects more than Evangelicals, the real issue motivating Trump supporters is not the economy, security, foreign policy but rather who is an American and resisting America becoming a multi-cultural and multi-racial society.

That is the very origin of the religious movement had nothing to do with “abortion” which when Roe was first decided they supported Roe, or gay rights as some of them have gay friends and relatives.

Jerry Falwell himself, was a leader in the 1950s and 1960s supporting segregation and racial discrimination claiming that Blacks had the Mark of Calne and by Gods design were inferior to Whites. Falwell and other formed their movement to oppose Jimmy Carter’s decision to withhold all federal funds from schools including private colleges that practice or taught segregation and racism.

Falwell and others only decided to become anti-abortion because they knew racism alone was not enough to succeed with their political agenda and so while they hated Catholics, needed their support so decided to claim to be against abortion while all the time supporting White Christian nationalism. They thought they could give lip service to “abortion” and other social issues while delivering on racial issues and until Trump they were mostly right.

It is why Falwell was able to support the most pro-abortion president in American history, first governor to sign a bill legalizing abortion and also the most permissive on the subject ever signed, Ronald Reagan. I mean the very reason it took Trump to overturn Roe was because Reagan made it a point to appoint Supreme Court Justices who in everyway were both Republican first and also would vote to uphold Roe.

Falwell, who wanted Nelson Mandela executed and South Africa sanctioned for ending apartheid, had a single “value” and that was racism which still to a great extent motivates White Evangelicals.

But again, it is not just White Evangelicals who are motivated by issues of race. Again, the issue that is playing out in the election in 3 weeks is not economic or foreign policy or law and order or anything else but the rather who is an American, has claim to equal rights and the American dream, and the acceptance of America that originated as a White Christian male dominated society becoming multi-racial and multi-cultural.


I know many wonderful, kind hearted and generous people who are deeply religious and affiliated with different belief systems. Some have given my mother in law, who lives far from us, great comfort and assistance without pushing religion. A local Anglican Church is a major meeting place for our community. It’s a place where those in need can get a meal. Others can have a yoga lesson. Etc……

I can’t bash that kind of Christianity.


I suspect the Taliban are no more religious than a Trumper is patriotic. Islam is a shield they hide behind. They’re about power and cruelty. Good at it too. But…that is the problem of the people of Afghanistan. The USA spent an ungodly sum of money, time and blood helping the Afghans help them selves. And as soon as the first test came along…they folded and surrendered a trove of American weapons to the Taliban. That failure created harmful repercussions in American politics.

It’s time for America to walk away from the graveyard of invaders. It will only get worse and the Afghan people are not doing shit about it.


Have they bashed this “mentally-ill” guy yet?



It’s called “buyer’s remorse”. They knew Trump was bad, they didn’t know how bad he would get, then he started attacking establishment Republicans.


You’re using an awful lot of words to avoid the obvious - that maladaptations are always classified as mental illness. If I dealt with the stress of life by inventing a fantasy world where Harry Potter was by best bud and I could call on him to do magic to protect me, you’d think I’d lost my fucking mind. And you’d be right. But somehow we’re obligated to respect the rantings of people who’ve invented a fantasy world where an infinite being is answering their personal calls by smiting their enemies with magic and helping their favorite team win a fucking football game?

Seriously? That doesn’t sound like mental illness to you?

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The difference between Carter and the real lunatics is that Carter simply embodies the tenets of his faith and lives it, keeping his mouth shut about the stupid shit. I’ve long suspected Carter is closer to a Deist like the founders than some modern gun-toting, Jesus-humping fanatic.

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Or how about she just help people without expectation of a reward or a return? That implicit expectation is a huge part of the religion’s abuse. If you give people something, like food or water or shelter, and you expect to be rewarded with their soul and they know it, it’s a really shitty barter deal for everyone.

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Seeing that warms my heart.


The bride’s side seemed well attended  ; - )


James Madison and Thomas Jefferson distinguished between Christians concerned with the “morality of Christ” versus Christians concerned with the “divinity of Christ”. Madison and Jefferson called the latter “fake Christians” concerned mostly with power who are easily manipulated as they lack a true moral compass.