Good job to that Woman ! If it was me I would of done the same all the while holding back from slamming this asshole in the face.
My Mom had to go to HCA Aventura for leg pains.She never left that filthy Hospital…she died of Septis.And this happens due to filthy conditions as this = bacterial poisons in your blood.
I’m guessing the Obama led recovery from the Bush crash that has cut unemployment rates in half might have a bit more to do with creating those jobs than anything Scott did.
Notice that Republicans HATE HATE HATE it when they have to answer to ordinary people for their policies. Did you notice there were a couple of Scott’s people moving towards the woman, even though she was only speaking to him? If Scott had a backbone, he would have waited for his Coffee instead of running away.
think about when people loudly heckle Obama at rallies or speeches. he doesn’t just turn and run away. he engages them in a dialogue. he explains his position, and listens to theirs.
that’s the difference between a leader and a shitstain skeletor fuck.
Just looking at him he seems more like a dickhead than an asshole…and it was a long blank for just asshole, I think she actually said fucking asshole, which fits almost as well as dickhead.