Discussion: With Major Elections Bill, House Dems Get Ball Rolling On Fixing Voting Rights Act

We need to vote more of the GOP traitors to democracy out of office. Destroy the GOP then all of this will become easier… the unfortunate thing is that the GOP supreme court cannot be voted out


Counting down to fits


Almost in tears - have held my breath for two+ years waiting the return of some semblance of good governance.




This is a great start in trying to fix what should be every American’s right, to vote. It isn’t supposed to be complicated or rule certain people out which is what all of the corruption has done.
This is what America should look like.


DOA in the Senate. The GOP, exactly as they did when BHO was POTUS, will block any attempt to actually govern, most especially pertaining to voting rights


Yes, but we have to try.
It creates a record and helps to shape public perception by showing the republican led senate to be simply about obstructing governance today.
We know they have been doing so for a long time, yet the nakedness of it today has the potential to turn on them.


I don’t necessarily disagree, but the worm will turn when Fat Nixon starts to melt down and goopers will start making moves to cross the aisle to back legislation that moves the ball forward.

Plan A, full on obstruction and ripping off America, is starting to fail, and badly. When Plan A is certain doom, Plan B starts looking a lot better. Supporting good legislation in the short term is better than being relegated to the trash heap of history.

We’re not out of the woods, but someone handed us a functioning compass and a sextant.


Everybody understands that. The GOP House understood it when they voted down the ACA twelvity-five times. It tells your peeps what you stand for, and what they can expect if they give you enough Senate seats down the road. It gives the activists organizing in their living rooms a reason to keep going. And everyone understands that too so I guess neither of us is telling anyone anything. Just get used to this, and be patient. It’s not futile if it helps you deliver down the road.


McConnell will refuse to bring this up in order to protect the GOP Senators from going on record. McConnell should be s high priority target.


Well, it can, but it takes 2/3 of the Senate to do it. However, this just changes “cannot” to “is very unlikely to” without really affecting the reality.


I’d love to see a negotiating position way far beyond this. How about nationalizing voting? 100 percent vote by mail, and everybody 16 years old and older gets to vote.

Let that be the Democratic Party position, and let repugs choke on it.

Meanwhile, yes, this IS like suddenly being able to breathe again.


1.Re-open the government.
2. Fix the American democracy.
3. Make that democracy work to solve problems and make American lives better.

The priorities of Democrats are a bit different than those of Republicans.


Sure it can, grow a pair and increase the number of Justices on the SCOTUS, the GOP bastardized the process in 2016 by refusing to vote on Garland, gain control of the White Hose and Senate and do it, there is no written limit on the number of justices.


Applaud the intentions here and the records portion looks to be an unmitigated good thing, but this part must be done carefully to avoid undesirable side effects:

required states and localities with a history of racial voter discrimination to get election policy changes pre-approved by the federal government.

Since our concepts of “race” are not based on anything real, there’s a fair chance malignant players at the federal and state levels could game this in ways that harm democracy.

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has already said he has no intention of bringing Friday’s House bill, which also includes an ethics overhaul, up in the Senate. It is unclear if a standalone VRA fix would also be dead on arrival in the Senate.

When the Constitution was being written, slave-owners demanded — and were given — extra votes in Congress and in the Electoral College. The more slaves there were, the more extra votes the slave-owners got.

That’s the kind of voting-rights reform McConnell could get behind.


Vote by mail is susceptible to the type of corruption found in NC.


Attempted corruption at this point…


“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has already said he has no intention of bringing Friday’s House bill, which also includes an ethics overhaul, up in the Senate.”

Republicans hating democracy,… loving authoritarianism.

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