Discussion: Whoops! Fox News Reports UK Voted To Leave UN (PHOTO)

Well, the FOX news viewers would cheer that.

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Trump predicted it!


FOX: All alphabets are the same. What difference does it make if its EU or UN? If you invade Iraq or Iran, does it really matter?


That’s because they (FOX NEWS) do not understand the seriousness of t his. They have been decrying t heir victimhood for so long that they just don’t ‘get’ what real collapse might MEAN.

FOX - bringing you …“ALL MORONS … ALL THE TIME”


Just another example of ‘we report, you decide.’

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The Stupid leading the stupid with stupid.


Certainly won’t matter to the typical FUX News viewer. ‘Brexit’ to them would suggest a new Nabisco salty snack or a cheap shampoo.


Whoops! Fox News Reports UK Voted To Leave UN

Foxbot: Same thing-- right?



It’s not just their screwups. It’s pure goofiness, too: What other ‘news network’ has a website devoted to their nuttiness? https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/worst-fox-news-moments-of-2013?utm_term=.txqke4L914#.xqMAVYj3pY

20. When anchor Heather Nauert said a Muslim girls’ swim class at a YMCA was evidence that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

19. The time they aired a segment about how “rap music is seen as a problem” 50 years after the 1963 March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.

to be continued…

18. When Megyn Kelly declared without any shadow-of-a-doubt that Santa Claus is white.

17. And when Bill O’Reilly backed her up.

to be continued...

I posted this in another thread, but given this is Fox news it deserves repeating.

Hillary will have her work cut out for her. Fortunately, she’s figured out how to handle our ignorant, lazy, but rapacious press corp.

Here’s a great article by Brit Economist and Krugman colleague, Simon Wren-Lewis regarding the role of Britain’s Murdoch-owned rightwing press in propagandizing the Brexiteers. The application to Fox News is obvious. Freedom of the press, notwithstanding, this is alarming; a threat to democracy

In 2015 I argued that mediamacro had won it for Cameron and Osborne, and pretty well no one took this seriously. Just a year later, the united voice of economists has been successfully dismissed as Project Fear. Not by the people, but by politicians working together with most of the tabloid press, and a broadcast media obsessed with ‘balance’. The tabloid press has groomed its readers for Brexit. If any good is to come out of this, it will involve defeating most of the tabloid press, and then forever reducing their influence. And given the power of that media, this can only be done by a united opposition that is prepared to cooperate in an effort to beat Johnson and Farage.

There is also a very big warning here for the US. Clinton may be ahead now, but do not underestimate the power of the media (which is still giving Trump much more coverage) to turn that around.

Brexit is perhaps the first major casualty of the political populism that has followed the financial crisis and austerity. That populism triumphed in the UK because the establishment underestimated its power and did nothing to tackle the resentment on which it feeds and the misinformation on which it thrives. It has been strong enough to turn a traditionally outward looking nation into one that turns its back on its neighbours. The leaders as well as the people of other countries should not make the same mistake as the UK just made.


More from https://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/worst-fox-news-moments-of-2013?utm_term=.txqke4L914#.xqMAVYj3pY

16. When Fox and Friends teased a segment on Chelsea Manning by playing “Dude Looks Like a Lady.”

15. When Brian Kilmeade asked a Nicaraguan co-host during Hispanic Heritage Month if she “grew up on tacos.”

to be continued…


quoting another well known Republican intellectual…

I know I’m not supposed to gloat but remember when she was grilled the Benghazi committee? If the GOP goes with Von Clownstick, get ready to see lots of this face:


Surprised it didn’t say ‘UN (D)’.

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Eh, the average Fox viewer couldn’t tell you the difference between the UN and the EU if their fucking lives depended on it. They’re the people who believe that if we just stopped giving money to the UN and cut out all foreign aid that our federal budget deficit would immediately disappear.

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The blonde journalists in Rupert Murdoch’s journalistic harem are the best. They are foxy and report only the best and most conservative news. Bravo Foxy News.

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