Discussion: Wheaton Cuts Off Student Health Insurance Over Obamacare Birth Control Fight

Hey! It’s where Denny Hastert went to college. The administration is just trying to recover their CrazyC creds.
BTW if they really feel so strongly, the admin will have to do away with health care for their faculty and themselves, too.
Second BTW, as a former college administrator, I can assure you that the student health fee is a revenue source because as a class college age kids rarely get sick and very rarely have serious problems…lots of profit in those premiums.


Students don’t go to Wheaton for the academic excellence, or even The College Experience. Parents pay more to send their kids there because that way their faith covers everything.


I guess it’s their right but I blame the students who choose to continue attending such a heinously despicable college which chooses to deny health care coverage to it’s student body over such a ridiculous argument. Filling out a form is no burden whatsoever and the courts have repeatedly said so.

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Few students will be able to transfer before next year. BTW, the burden they face is real: they cannot prevent their students from getting contraceptives. Controlling other people’s choices is what they call “religious liberty”.


There are actual women who attend this Neanderthal college? When to the student protests begin?

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In taking this action, Wheaton’s administration and Trustees are consistent in setting an example for how their students and faculty should apply their principles to the running of their families. Men controlling their women and their children. It’s all about power, baby. The “pick-a-little, talk-a-little” Bible verse references are just a backup.

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Wheatons are terriers, right? Cute :smile:

Anyway, I’m glad my college didn’t try to control me to the point of mandating what my health insurance could cover or not cover. Apparently that level of zealotry is something students have to consider when choosing a school these days.


Oh, they don’t want to stop feeding at the public subsidy trough to run their Christian Madrassa, they just don’t want to do anything the feds require. I would agree they then give up their standing for the court case, but it doesn’t sound like their case is needed to clarify the overwhelming opinion of all the Appeals court.

This also seems like a juvenile shitty thing to do to their students and employees to make a bureaucratic point.


What is even worse about this is that BEFORE the ACA became law, Wheaton College insurance company provided birth control. Ooops, looks like this is entirely about politics, and not at all any " deeply held" religious beliefs.


Just went to look at their website for trustees, donors, etc. Web site is down. hmmm


Over the years I have given a couple of lectures at Wheaton. When they first invited me I wrote back that I am (a) liberal, (b) an atheist, © gay. That, I assumed, would be the end of it. In their reply they answered that they hoped they had not offended me, and would I come pretty please since they wanted to present different perspectives to their students.

The administration of Wheaton my be pretty absurd; but the faculty is not. You can actually get a decent education at Wheaton, which will probably also include a year abroad.

I have mixed feelings. The mission statement of Wheaton includes a lot of things which I despise. But it is hard to despise the people as well, when they treat you with respect and courtesy and intellectual curiosity.

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Wheaton might have a point if the college were paying 100% for the coverage… which they are not. The individual pays premiums and co-payments, and a portion of what the college pays is subsidized by taxpayers (via tax deduction).

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Adjust    ......   Snark    .....    Meter    ...... ! ! !111!!!  !!

No half measures! Wheaton should round up all of its students and kill them all rather than even in the most remote manner be responsible for their acquisition of contraception

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Our students? Not so much.


For Immediate Release:
July 30, 2015
Wheaton Illinois

Today, the Wheaton College Board of Trustees has decided that the college will divest itself of its student body immediately, rather than having to face the moral consequences of hosting students, some of whom will regrettably have sex while enrolled here. It is simply unacceptable to the Board to be involved in any fashion to such heinous activity.

Just as one can judge a person’s faith by their willingness to believe incredibly unlikely stories counter to all reason and evidence, one can also judge a Board of Trustees’ righteousness by the degree of monumental grandstanding. In this endeavor we hope to have proven ourselves worthy.

WWJD-Who would Jesus deprive?

Sounds sexist to me… we are dropping health insurance for everyone because of a medical need that is only applicable to the female student body. It is almost like a college dropping all extracurricular activities because of Title IX.

10 internet points for the “Music Man” reference!

A college offers students health insurance plans? When did this start?

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