Discussion: WH: 'Ridiculous' To Suggest That Putin Is 'Happy' About Syria Withdrawal

“For now, it is really good news for Putin,” said Konstantin von Eggert, a political commentator on the independent Russian TV station Dozhd. “Putin’s main goal from Day 1 of his intervention was to establish himself as the global authority to prevent regime change. In this he has succeeded.”
[Putin Welcomes U.S. Withdrawal From Syria as ‘Correct’][1] - NY Times.

Sure he’s not happy Sarah. Sure.
[1]: http://Putin%20Welcomes%20U.S.%20Withdrawal%20From%20Syria%20as%20‘Correct’


If the WH really thinks Putin isn’t happy, it shows what fucking morons they are.

If Sarah and the WH are lying again (they are), it shows what fucking morons they are.


I expect some laughter a little while down the road.


There comes a point where one really must ask if there is any meaningful statutory difference between a knowing Russian agent or a person who is willingly manipulated into flawlessly imitating a Russian agent.


Yes, after Armageddon I do sincerely hope that one day we can all laugh, big belly bustin’ uncontrollable laughter, after Armageddon, that is.

It’ll be a gas, man!

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"The idea that the sun rises in the east is a ridiculous idea the Democrats are shoving down Amerika;s throat. FAKE NEWS!

“Also, what Democratic elite came up with 32’/s/s? Liberal hogwash!”

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Why do we keep listening to her? Why not preface every question with “We have a bet about what lie you will tell to answer this question,” and after the question, have a press member say "Joe, I think you had “It’s ridiculous to say that Putin is happy. You win the pool today!”


Perhaps not exactly happy, but he is very content, amused and likely to break out into a spontaneous chuckle.


Erunda, Comrades.


Sanders’ method of persuasion might work in a closed media vacuum like North Korea, but she apparently doesn’t realize we can hear Putin speak, in his own words, about his support for Individual-1’s decision.


cannot agree more

I loathe modern repubes, their complicity in the devastation of operating norms of our government, and the not-yet-revealed cooperation between the NRA and congressional repubes for access to russian mob money (which would go a long way towards explaining their behavior during the last two years of “oversight”) has made me assess the repube party as a threat the the health and well being of my children and their future, therefor, they are the enemy

this whole thing is a fucking bummer


Sanders is such a lying sack of shit. Surely in all her bibulreadin’ she missed the part about not being a fucking liar. But don’t take it from me. Let’s ask Vlad if he’s happy:


Except for the fact that Putin essentially said exactly that, Sarah Sanders is right.


She is working in the White House - so maybe yes.


Guess the mods took it down. Too harsh? I thought it was a perfect smokey-eyed depiction of lying evil. Besides it was only a slight tweak away from a real video clip : ))


Oh Baghdad Sarah. You are such a kidder.


Lost in this is the implication that the United States should form its geopolitical strategy to make our adversaries have a sad.

Policy used to be based on what was good for the United States, a leader, and other nations could react to that or not. Now the ostensible good case is Putin is there, and we do things to try to make Putin mad. A nation of followers, sitting in the back of the bus. Sad.


If you are fervently working for bringing about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior and believe your boss’s miraculous ascension to the world’s highest throne is a sign of your God fulfilling Bible prophesy, then you can do anything to help advance the Lord’s work here on earth through Trump, ANYTHING.

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“Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” – Groucho Marx


“If the decision to withdraw was made, then it is a correct one,” Putin said

Remember your legacy little Sarah:

“I hope that it will be that I showed up every day and I did the very best job that I could to put forward the president’s message, to do the best job that I could to answer questions, to be transparent and honest throughout that process and do everything I could to make America a little better that day than it was the day before,”

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