Discussion: WaPo: CBS Will Likely Air Stormy Daniels '60 Minutes’ Interview On March 25

Spoiler alert: Trump can only get aroused if he is wearing a wedding dress and swim fins.

You have to call him “Princess Mermaid.”


I imagine Trump and Stormy’s escapades are worthy of a PornHub treatment. Surely what 60 Minutes will serve up wouldn’t rate even Playboy Channel airing. When wanting to know what Trump has been up to less is not more. If what is broadcast is so tame the public shrugs and says a collective “Meh” I’m unsure the cause of exposing Trump will be served.


Palm Sunday ?


I’m sure he faps other days of the week as well.


I’ll believe it when I see it. Until then, what’s next?


In my mind she has tape where he’s in a little boy’s sailor suit from the turn of the century, short pants at his ankles, with one of those big lollipops in his hand, and she’s in leather gear spanking him bloody and he’s confessing to being a naughty, naughty boy who’s a Russian asset and everything else but dammit, the chronology is wrong for that. Why can’t once in my life things just be perfect?!?!?


The interview is expected to reveal intimate details of Daniels’ alleged sexual affair with President Donald Trump, some of which could be considered embarrassing for the President
That’s cute
We’re sorry but the Orange Idiot doesn’t embarrass
He has never shown the capacity for embarrassment or shame in his entire life.
There will be however a Tweetstorm of earth shattering proportions and Sarah I lie for a living Sanders is preparing her ascent to the peak of Bullshit Mountain


I don’t see this interview causing big waves. Trump’s supporters have already excused his total lack of morals so more salacious details of his trysts (while imported wife #3 was taking care of his baby) won’t cause them any concern. Hey he’s pro-gun, pro-life and pro-tax cuts right?


here’s potentially the real issue:



I think you’re right If his behavior hasn’t done it to this point …
Mulligans waiting in the wings.
It will however be interesting and amusing watching them twist themselves to pretzels trying to justify/defend/explain


Talk about gullible. He’s probably never fired a gun in his life, he was pro-choice until gliding down the escalator in 2015, and the only tax cuts he feels passionately about don’t significantly benefit about 62 million of the 63 million people that voted for him.



He has no shame as we understand it, not for doing wrong. But he sure as hell cares about how people think about him; there’s nothing else, literally nothing else, he cares about. And if she really says he’s a subbie who like to be spanked and all, he’ll go out of his mind. And Sarah, this is like pitching the last out of all the World Series-deciding games ever played against every money player homerun champ who ever lived, all combined in one. And pitching that batter when your reputation is for not even being able to throw all the way to the plate. I’m belaboring the metaphor but the idea is he’s shrugged off and denied being a historic traitor but the image of his fat stupid self getting spanked, I don’t know, I don’t think he’ll shrug and change the channel. You can be horrible, we’ve discovered, and yet manage to stay President. But I don’t think we’ve established whether you can be quite that ridiculous.


Lawyer Dude is trolling the Trump team hard with all of his media interviews. We hear of speculation of ‘threats’ made against Daniels via team Trump, we hear of up to six other women with similar stories (and NDA contracts) to Daniels, I am sure he will keep dripping out tidbits - over the coming week.

Grifter “showboat” president getting trolled by savvy lawyer and exotic (potential grifter) porn star.


Oh, if only what she has is “Ned Beatty in the woods” quality. Too rich.


This is getting weirder by the day.

Stormy’s attorney is now meeting with four women who had affairs with The Loin King, two with NDAs.

And just to make it that much weirder, her attorney was asked if Stormy had been threatened. “Yes,” he said.

Makes me wonder what “threatened” meant; he didn’t elaborate. Was it just overtly hostile threats from Michael “Pit Bull” Cohn with an “E” similar to the one he delivered to the Daily Beast reporter?* Was it recorded? Or was it something even more mobster-ish than that? Desperate people do desperate things.

*“I will make sure that you and I meet one day while we’re in the courthouse. And I will take you for every penny you still don’t have. And I will come after your Daily Beast and everybody else that you possibly know. So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”


I believe his emotional response to this = blazing hot rage which commands him to hurt people. Really bad quality in a president.


In fact one can just imagine the idiots on Fox will congratulate him for “nailing someone so hot” or some other such non-sense. Never mind the fact she’s basically paid company and these same people proclaim family values as part of their Republican identity.


It’s easy to imagine and figure that if it was Cohen or some other legal incompetent who came up with these NDAs, there’s some huge overlooked vulnerability in them, or in the law regarding things that invalidate them. That would be part of a near-unbroken pattern with this crew.


I know I’ve used this several times, but Trump is Bill Mumy in “It’s a Good Life”. I swear a better analogy doesn’t exist.

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