Discussion: Trump:

… but because of the wonderful job George Bush did, “Vote for me.”


Folks, if you want to see where the GOP rhetoric on race might be taking us, check out this truly disturbing piece in Salon on a lovely new term making the rounds: “cuckservative.” We may be in even deeper water as a society than we’ve thought so far.


… and President Bush twice.


Thanks to people like Trump, there won’t be any Republican presidents until they stop the nativist, racist, exclusionary agenda.


It is of course blatant racism making Skin Colour a proxy for Competence,
but if you really want to go there, we could also say “there won’t be another White Male President for Years because of George W. Bush”


Trump’s comments make no sense. If Obama had shown even the slightest favoritism toward African-Americans, he would have been lambasted from coast to coast by the same people who now agree with Trump’s latest verbal vomit.


The double standard here is breathtaking.
We had thousands of job losses per month, yet no one said shit about Bush fucking it up for White men. Clinton (who I love) had a bj in the oval office, Nixon resigned in disgrace —on and on we can pick shit out on past presidents yet no one said anything about that impacting the electibility of White men — ever.
Yet Obama is being called to task from the likes of Trump and we’re told we won’t elect another Black man “for generations”.
And then there is this shit about Trump wanting him to help African Americans. Ummm, Obama is the President of the US - not president of Black people. YES he’s an inspriration. Yes, he has rolled out some initiatives that will help the poor and underrepresented (this usually means Black people and Latinos) but as a whole, he must help EVERYone.That’s his job.
We don’t elect people because their color will help their own" (well, we’re not supposed to but the rich get a SuperPass always) And I think this shows Trump’s mindset: the president is supposed to only help people like him. What a disgusting idea.
Trump thought Obama was going to be a great cheerleader for this country, yet spent months running
around saying how Obama wasnt born here? And still believes that?
And finally (because this is longer than I intended to speak about Trump and his stupid shit), are we actually going to believe Trump had high hopes about Black people being helped? Really?

Trump’s statement is offensive on SO many levels, and racist to boot. He thinks he will win the Black vote? Good luck with that.


Wow…now THAT is some fucked up wordsmithing.


I think it’s time for a change. I’d like to see a president who acts like either a Democrat or a Liberal, for example.


Dear Donald: please continue to be the GOP front-runner and please continue to say these horrible racist things all the way to Nov 1. Thenk yew.

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For at least 8 years …anyway —


He was making a point about the importance of leaving to democracy and good governance to several African leaders who have a specific problem in that area.


…There shall be Trump and Cruz come upon creation, and the stupid will reign over the earth."

Book of Armaments 18:7


Any statement that Trump makes that contains the phrase “I think” is never a statement of fact, only an opinion. And usually a misinformed one at that.

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This theory doesn’t make sense. By Trump’s reasoning, there would have been no incompetent white Republican Presidents after Gerald Ford. But we all know better.

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I feel like I should go throw up or take a shower for what I am about to say because it is disgusting: But I agree with Trump on this issue. Not for the reasons that so many of his followers or he himself does, but because people in this nation are cowards. We failed this president from Day One, and let the hate mongers and racists in both parties destroy the President’s vision of Hope.

Since the election of President Obama, we have seen the Democrats throw everything he ran on in 2008 under the bus, his advisers have been acutely wrong on many issues that affect Americans, the Clinton policies of appease the GOP have been decidedly disastrous, and the rise of the radical right-wing hates groups has been exponential. President Obama had the potential to be a great president, but his own party turned on him to follow the Clintons, while leaving President Obama to take the hits for their mistakes. This has left the perception in the minds of many Americans, thanks to the media machine, that President Obama has been a bad president. In many respects he has been a president under assault from day one, from his miserably Secret Service protection to his attempts to create decent policy initiatives that have been blocked by the GOP and a weak Democratic leadership in Congress.

But Trump is right in saying that because of Obama there will not be a black president again for quite awhile. Not because of Obama, though, but because of the billionaire money in our politics which is controlled by racist old white men like him who have used their billions to convince people that Obama has been running a dictatorship for years while their pals have stopped any decent legislation from passing. They will get people to vote against their own best interests with slick media campaigns, bought and paid for gerrymandering and voter suppression laws, and targeted hate speech. They will scare people into thinking that anyone who is not white and male and radical Christian is going to take away something from them, whether it is their guns or their Bibles or their jobs or their freedoms. They will turn every candidate who does not look just like them into the Boogeyman, thus keeping anyone of any color or gender from being perceived as a viable choice.

I will take bets that should Hilary Clinton or Joe Biden get into the White House, that all the racist bilge water will disappear and inter-party cooperation will again begin to show its face in Congress. Oh, the GOP will still yell and scream, but they will step down the obstruction and work at a mutually beneficial working arrangement just like Bill Clinton had when he sold out the Average American for bankers and corporatists and the GOP.

Sadly, ever since the election of President Obama, we have seen not a healing of the racial divide, but a rising to the top of a campaign of racism complete with hate groups and divisive racist based politics and political groups who sole purpose is to create a white-controlled nation. It was the one thing that always frightened me about his election - the rise of hate to the fore in this nation, and sadly, I was right. This is why Trump may be right - and it says a great deal more about us as a nation than Trump as a politician.


Notice how many others have echoed you comment…this is exactly the sort of thing I am seeing repeatedly in Trump’s statements. They are outlandish and over the top on the surface, which is more then enough to keep the MSM busy, but underneath they drawn on a left wing talking point.

So in this case he gets to dog whistle about Obama, which on the surface makes all the racists in the GOP base happy, but at the same time, he is drawing them to the water of “W. did such a horrible job, you can’t elect another Bush”.

Its maddening, but he seems to have this “double messaging” thing down very well.


Do you really believe that? It seems to me that the ‘silent’ majority is just roaring at this time, meaning that they are only louder not greater in numbers by ratio.
Realizing that the crazed 1/4 of the nation is out there, literally out there, is a good thing. We mustn’t allow ourselves to become complacent because the wackos move right in, with different titles maybe and supposedly different objectives but who are they kidding, they’re Birchers back from the dead.

Trump won’t be President despite his current popularity from the now loud minority. This says that as a whole, the country still has some collective smarts.


Oh! I’m disappointed, I thought it was a plan. :wink:

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