Discussion: Trump: Russia Should Be Part Of G-7 Summit

OMG, that would totally fuck with his tiny brain.


Shut the fuck up Donnie, you’re out of your element.

If the the pea brained Don was paying attention ,he would notice the world is running from his idiotic policy positions…worse yet, his enablers continue to sit on their hands in the face of this betrayal of America.

Except Rohrabacher is going to lose to the Dem in the general


I resisted the idea that something as simple as blackmail could explain all this for a while, but . . . I mean come on.

Cross your fingers. As of two days ago, Rohrabacher had 30% of the vote vs the two top Democrats who had 17% apiece, so R-30%, D-34%. That leaves out the remaining 36%, but I can hope.


But China and Russia are messing with Trump completely, getting him to withdraw from influence on every single continent. They are filling the void.

Trump is a friendless man, and friendless men are either pathetic or very, very dangerous.


Does Russia even have an economy big enough to warrant such inclusion? What are the requirements for membership?

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if we can right the ship, I suspect a true coordinated response from the US for putin’s successful effort at installing the combover colon in the White House will be one of russia’s biggest nightmares ever, so maybe the liar is just prognosticating?

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Who was joking?


They can just say ‘cruller’ when discussing the tea-time snacks, he won’t be able to tell.


Trump and his Whitehouse lie and Trump doesn’t like to deal with women in power.


Only if the others don’t decide to meet elsewhere.


I recall reading Russia’s economy is comparable to Italy’s.

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Trump - “…we have a world to run.”

Make the World Great Again?

Probably a 13 year old goat.

Of course, the ignorant fat old spoiled brat wouldn’t be in the White House without Putin. He is a fake and illegitimate president.

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So, from what I have been able to piece together from this Trump Tower Taco Bowl of word salad and biological underwear stains, Donald Trump just opined that we should let Russia back into the G7 summit because they tried to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election.

Maybe more meth would help with my comprehension.


Neither do I.

Get on with your baaaaaaaaaad self!

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