Discussion: Trump on Oregon College Shooting: 'These Things Happen'

“People are going to slip through the cracks,” Trump said in an
appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?”

Irony, thy name is Trump!

If you’re going to be sending out the ICE paddy wagons rounding up all the undocumented aliens and anyone else who looks like one, why not just collect all the loonies too? C’mon Don, you gotta think big if you want to be president.

Bring out’cher loonies! Bring out’cher loonies!

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That’s exactly what flashed across my mind when I read his response. He should be auditioning for a starring role in the next gangster movie as a mobbed-up 3rd rate capo, and leave politics to people that actually want to serve a civic duty for the public. Personally, I think he’d lose that audition too. They would tell him he’d be better off trying out for a comedy role instead.

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And only recently, too. So it can be stopped.

Because of two things. 1) Everyone is Washington believes that the NRA is very powerful, contrary to the actual facts. Conventional Wisdom and all that. 2) They are effective at mobilizing their members and creating the perception of a bigger astro turf moment out there than there really is. After Sandy Hook, polling showed that 90% of NRA members supporting expanding back ground checks. Yet they created the perception that most of those people were against it. Through foghorns and astro turfing.

Another reason is, and this is harder to combat, is they have successfully made gun rights a core GOP belief. Its a defining issue. Thus it colors every campaign, from the local level to the national level…if you are for gun control…you are blue; if you are for gun rights…you are red. So if a republican were to say, speak up for reasonable gun control laws, the NRA doesn’t necessarily have to go after him, rest of the GOP apparatus will do that job for them.


That sounds like a well regulated militia IMO.

I’m so glad we had a real constructive response from tRump. Reminds me of “The tide goes in, the tide goes out…who knows?” from that other blowhard O’Really.

*-my insert

So, whether by deception, embedding attitudes through public statements and advertising, or instilling unwarranted (allegedly) fear in payback for recacitrant legislators, the NRA does effectively serve to stymie progressive gun legislation. Right?

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I didn’t mention they also had a huge buyback program that took a million guns out of circulation. Unfortunately this aspect of it means that if you mention Australia the gun people here go WAAAH THAT WAS CONFISCATION YOU SAID YOU DIDN’T WANT CONFISCATION YOU LYING LIARS YOU DO WANT IT WAAAAHHHH but you knew they’d say that. The really crazy thing is we already made efforts to reduce the firepower with the so-called assault weapons ban in 1994 here. I’m not sure the law was conceived as clearly as it might have but it was at least an effort to reduce the rate of fire and ability to keep shooting available to civilians. So we had that until it expired during W’s administration. And it didn’t lead to confiscation and we weren’t all marched helplessly into camps and crime didn’t go up and the ban ran its course more or less without resulting in tyranny or any other troublesome side effects. There are still states and municipalities that do these kinds of restrictions. So there are measures you can take that work, and they’re not politically impossible. That’s really the saddest and most frustrating thing about all this.


Trump suggested that stronger gun control legislation, which President Obama advocated for in a heartfelt speech on Thursday night, would be ineffective at catching every potential school shooter before he or she acted.

Tell that to Australia, you inept piece of nylon-topped sludge.

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Correct. The point I am trying to make is the fear of payback is baseless, and that point needs to be driven home to all congress critters.

It doesn’t resolve the problem, as we still need to address the bigger “embedding of attitudes” that has taken place for decades. But once the fear of payback is removed, the real work of “de-embedding” those attitudes can begin.

I don’t think Trump is a believer…just a guess…

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In Donald’s case nothing. Hey bad things happen, doesn’t mean you should do anything to try and stop some of them.I mean if you can’t stop every bad thing from happening then don’t try to stop any is what I always say. God what a dickhead!

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Trump believes…

In Money.

Bitch, moan, whine, complain, rinse, wash, repeat and make sure you never make any legitimate suggestions about what may actually solve whatever it is you’re incessantly bitching about.

It’s the Republican way.


Yeah, I guess. When a legislator’s office back home is surrounded and bum-rushed by a hundred angry rednecks, strapped to the gills with assault rifles, neck veins bulging, staff scurrying for safety in closets, de-embedding fear of gun owners’ wrath proves problematic.

Well as far as he’s concerned the USA is the only part of the world that matters so who cares if other countries have different laws and lower rates of death by guns. It’s probably just a coincidence.

Targeting ‘mentally ill’ people will only discourage people from getting mental health care (especially the ones who already own guns). It’s a bad move. The only effective solution is to outlaw all semi-automatic weapons, and handguns.

Wait, is this the same Huckabee that ran down to Kentucky to visit with a certain County Clerk who was in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses? The same Huckabee who made no apologizes when his staffer kept another presidential candidate from joining him and said clerk on stage?

I listened to the President’s comments, and he is clearly in pain from having to pray for the victims of (another) mass shooting and frustrated at the inaction by Congress. Here’s Huckabee just bumping his freaking gums. Try harder Mike, because you are polling so low, we can’t hear you clearly.

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Trump continue to make America great for gun nuts.

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Thank you, again. The Incredible Mr. Trumpley reveals the elephant in the room. Cracks, yes. Ever widened by NRA (never regulate arms) strategies. They are in denial that the bad guys with guns are at a distinct advantage over the so called good guys with guns. Deep down, consciously or not, they must be thinking of these acts as a sort of divine intervention. Complete fallacy. Presumably, rich people think G-d has privileged them simply because of their wealth. Also, a complete fallacy. They don’t have to live in the streets with the crazies. Personally, I think these kinds of people are victims of their very deep seated existential fear. Trumpley vibrates with it just like a lizard brained snake. The danger of course is his legitimation of this kind of behavior.

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