Discussion: Trump on Oregon College Shooting: 'These Things Happen'

Except of course it is not the way the world works. We are the only nation to have these regular mass shootings and no national effort to attempt common sense regulations of gun. As the GOPers saint,Reagan, requested and as stated in the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution…“well-regulated”.


So then we should conclude that just the right amount of people are getting murdered every day with guns in the United States. Trump can say this because he can afford personal security. Those in the other 99.9%, lotsa luck.

No matter the problem Trump universally claims he can conquer it. He’ll build an impregnable 2000 mile wall at the southern border. He’ll whip ISIS. He’ll procure health insurance for everyone. He’ll achieve 6% GDP growth. He’ll make China, Russia and Mexico bend to our will. He’ll deport eleven million immigrants in two years. He’ll force U.S. manufacturers to return facilities and jobs from overseas to here. I can’t think of a single challenge posed to him he’s forsaken the ability to solve. Yet gun violence stymies him. Trump has implicitly conceded there is one thing more powerful then even him. The NRA.


“would be ineffective at catching every potential school shooter before he or she acted.”

That’s the part that drives me crazy. “It wouldn’t have prevented it.” And the MSM is complicit in that narrative, never ever talking about the point being to reduce the CHANCE of it happening and the RATE are which it occurs. Yes, these things are going to happen and there’s probably nothing we can do to stop them entirely, but to borrow a word from Obama, the idea that we should accept them as ROUTINE and unpreventable…nothing more than their own form of natural disaster…is fucking absurd. It’s throwing our humanity out the window with our common sense.


He is almost correct. He should have added “These things happen IN AMERICA” (bc they rarely happen somewhere else) and “that’s the way the world works UNLESS WE ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT”. Other than that, he is correct. The political system of the United States has decided that unlimited access to guns is more important than any other right. A massacre every other week is the price the country is apparently willing to pay. I can’t hear the tragedy talk any more. This is not a tragedy, it is the calculated and statistically highly predictable outcome of political decisions. Change the politics or stop whining about gun deaths.


Trump’s response to the shootings in Roseburg makes him look impotent.

What else do you think will make him break out in “Que sera, sera?”

How about making the cracks a little smaller? Think that may help Donnie? Just sayin’.

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“What are you going to do, institutionalize everybody?” No. But we could start with you.

Always SIMPLISTIC and without substance your remarks on any subject Mr T.

No, we don’t have “very strong laws on the books.” And sure, no law will stop everyone, but it’s outrageous that we’re the only first world country that tolerates this level of violence.

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I will give him this: he’s the only Republican politician this time around with an honest answer about gun violence in America. Everyone else is tweeting their empty prayers and screaming about it being too soon to talk about anything.

Though he acknowledged that school shootings are “sort of unique to
this country,” he said we already “have very strong laws on the books”
and seemed resigned to the prospect of future incidents.

Donnie, here in AZ I can right no go buy an AK-47 semi-auto assault rifle with as many 30 round clips as I can afford. After a cursory 5 minute background check I’m out the door.
That’s strict gun laws?? Maybe in NYC they’re different but not here and I can tel you that the gun laws in AZ did not change one iota after Gabby Giffords was horribly wounded and other killed by Jared Loughner. In fact, Donnie, the state declared the Colt 45 “peacemaker” the state pistol 2 weeks after that shooting. And since then there’s been strong effort in the AZ legislature to put guns in classrooms and on school campuses and public buildings and I can legally take that AK into a bar where alcohol is served.

Strict laws by frigging ass, Donnie.

Mt Trump…these things happen because there is easy access to lethal weapons.


Massacres are now routine in America.

Yes Donnie we are truly exceptional.

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And as I posted yesterday…they actually are a pretty weak organization politically. When they step into a campaign and actually back a candidate…they usually lose. They waded into seven Senate campaigns in 2012…and lost 6 of them. 26 House races were lost that same year…the NRA backed 18 of the losers. That’s a simply horrible track record.

And its been that way for quite some time. Yet candidates on both sides of the aisle continue to act like they are the All Powerful.

Here are a couple of articles to read on the subject.



trump: shit happens. i got nothing. let’s move along.

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The bullshit. Very deep.

This ladies and gentlemen is why t-Rump is never going to be anything other than a rich real estate guy and a blowhard Reality TV star.

Callous indifference is never a response from someone whose phony vanity project and make-believe wish-fulfilment is to be President of the United States.

I present you Exhibit A: Being non-responsive in the face of a national tragedy. It’s the 3 AM phone call, where all one does is reach over to hit the snooze button on the alarm clock repeatedly, rather than answer the damn phone when you should be getting your ass in gear.

Who’s next to weigh in on the GOP bozo list? I suspect their answers will be slightly in line with this asshole. As such, all the other GOP candidates will be portrayed by the media as more thoughtful on this issue than tRump, for some stupid incomprehensible reason. Yet tRump is only saying what all the other GOP candidates believe. Other than offering their fucking empty thoughts and prayers for the families, these people have nothing of substance to offer. Why? Because the NRA has them all by the balls. That’s why.


Nevertheless those in office continue to thwart effective changes in gun laws. Other than the heavy lobbying presence of the NRA what persons or organizations could you otherwise plausibly say are behind Congress’ inability to deal with this issue?

Now where have I seen that kind of mindset and attitude represented after someone was informed of carnage and bloodshed…hmmm…

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