Discussion: Trump On Leaked Tax Return: It’s My Job To Game The Tax System!

“Trump said he had a “fiduciary responsibility” to pay as little tax as possible”

HAHAHAHAHA!!! These are PERSONAL tax returns. When the “fiduciary” and the “beneficiary” are one and the same, there is no fiduciary duty. It’s called something else then: SELF-INTEREST.


I very much doubt that Drumpf personally understands the tax laws “better than almost anybody”. Maybe his team of expensive tax lawyers, does.


Bloated, sweating and angry, very angry…


I keep waiting to see what Ms Elizabeth Warren comes up with.


Trump’s restraint is so manly. His ability to control his impulses really shows how well suited he would be to sell bottled pee as lemonade to parched, elderly widows.

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What a deplorable question! I’ve given up trying to figure out their motivation, beyond racism, stupidity, and misogyny.


Trump said he had a “fiduciary responsibility” to pay as little tax as
possible, and that he “hate[d] the way they spend our tax dollars,” a
response to a ground-breaking New York Times report over the weekend
that revealed a $916 million business loss in 1995 could have prevented
Trump from paying federal income tax for the next 18 years.

Hmmmm… For over a decade my lab had an NIH grant (those would be federal tax dollars at work folks) that funded our research on ovarian cancer and how to detect it in its early stages when it would be the easiest to treat and cure. It sounds to me that trump thinks this is frivolous effort and we should have been looking for other employment as the money was poorly spent. The grant ended in 2012, trump will be happy to hear, because the republicans in Congress cut NIH’s budget. I retired. But the work goes on and in spite of the n00bs in Congress and the Orange skinned one there will be a small device that will have the ability to see into the ovary and detect the nascent cancer cells. The prototypes exist as does the computing software, no thanks to trump.

Trump has a lot of balls to say “our tax dollars” since he weaseled out of paying any.



Well, I am glad that we cleared that up.

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What a classic Trumper: extremely overfed white male with a soul patch and wraparounds whining about how he’s being treated.


This is a great post. I don’t think it’s uncommon for someone born into means, into an aristocratic world, to have contempt for “the little people”. I also think, with these same people, there is a devaluing of life that naturally occurs. Look at Dubya. I think his flippancy towards the little people’s lives is why he preemptively invaded Iraq. To him, the military is filled with “little people”. In his mind, we exist to serve him. I think Trump is certainly the same way. They see it as a class system. They are in the Elysium (the Matt Damon movie.). and we are below. So, it stands to reason that someone like Trump thinks we should brunt the cost of maintenance, because it’s beneath him.



Irrational Hillary hatred, all of the above and a deep, sinful love of money…


He does business through pass through entities which he owns. No, there isn’t any goddamn fiduciary duty! What, was he going to get Michael Cohen to sue him for breaching his fiduciary duty to himself?


For over a decade my lab had an NIH grant (those would be federal tax dollars at work folks) that funded our research on ovarian cancer and how to detect it in its early stages when it would be the easiest to treat and cure.

Darrtown, this is precisely the argument that Democrats virtually never make in the political arena—the notion that all governmental activity is bad has been standard Republican orthodoxy since 1980, and that ideological argument is never openly contested by Democrats. Instead, they typically implicitly accept that framing, and constantly apologize for government as a regrettable but necessary evil.


Wasn’t this the same Chimpy Orange Populist who was screaming about “the System” being “rigged”?!?

Go get him, Madame President! Kick his fat ass!


This, and it goes beyond that to include people like the head of Wells Fargo, who thought nothing of coming up with major business goals on the basis of a rhyme scheme. It isn’t on him to actually meet those unreasonable expectations it is on the little people and when they turn to unethical means to meet the unreasonable demands you fire the ones that refuse, scapegoat the ones that do when caught, and walk away with millions. The French had the right idea on how to handle these sorts of aristocrats.


Lol, this is akin to Jesse James saying he could reform the banking system. Do Don’s rubes actually believe this bs?!


The Deplorables will love this.

Trumpers on twitter were completely rationalizing it from the get-go, and some were even blaming Hillary for the fact that tax laws allow Trump to do what he did.


I have a hard time imagining HO’s rubes being able to hold jobs so I have to wonder how many of them even pay taxes.

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