Discussion: Trump: I'm 'Disappointed' In Republicans For Legislative Failures (VIDEO)

We’ll never hear the end of that Electoral College landslide. He’s kind of dropped the record setting crowd at the Tiny Inauguration - someone must have gotten through to him that the pictures made him look really bad if he insisted on it.

He isn’t even a normal 7 year old - he’s like a 3 year old really. I read his ability to handle symbolic thinking, which adult hominids can handle out to 6 degrees of abstraction at about the 3 year old level, that is the same level chimpanzees reach and Corvidae - crows and ravens - about 2 degrees of abstraction.


Way Better than their original iteration:


That was more or less my point, perhaps not expressed as articulately as it might have been.

“Articulately”, of course, being a word with which our so-called President is likely not familiar.

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I bow to the mad Photoshop skillz of whomever created that. Awesome.


I think that particular Elvis left the building weeks ago.

Interesting info in the second paragraph.

As a side note–I used to teach an undergrad course in creative thinking, and used a film clip of Joshua Klein talking about putting the intelligence of crows to work by shaping their behavior via a “vending machine.” I thought it was fascinating stuff.


Stop posting this. The deadline for submitting signatures was February 19. And it got more than enough signatures for the WH to take action. But have they? No.


I would love to audit your class.

Corvidae are amazing.


He’s trying to recall by touching a young man who can’t protest the touch what it’s like to be thin. But let’s talk about the ugly pea green schmatte the immigrant is wearing. It’s certainly nothing Michelle left behind in a WH closet


That is really cool. I built a machine to vend hazelnuts to my local squirrels a while back. A cereal-box shaped box with an aluminum lever that when pushed down dispenses a nut. I was all worried that it would be too complicated or that i had miscalculated the forces or something. The very first squirrel walked around the thing a bit and then pushed the lever down. He didn’t need a second lesson. Critters be smart.


If I had my druthers, which I’ve unfortunately misplaced, I’d opt for Harvey for the next few years.

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It is one weird looking outfit from what I can see. That is a deadly color really.


That is so cool.

Nature ran a series last month that was one of the best things I’ve seen. This group built the most lifelike animal and even vegetable robotics that they put into places where animals were living and the data they got from these spies in the wild is nothing short of mind blowing. Orangutans who live up river from an abandoned science station go back up to that station to get leftover soap - they bathe with soap. They also can saw things with a leftover saw that is there.

Animals are incredibly smart and their emotional range is far broader than I think we ever imagined.

Adolescent male dolphins are driven from their mothers’ pods when they get to be juvenile delinquents and they have figured out how to gently take poisonous puffer fish in their mouths and cause them to release just enough toxin to get the dolphins thoroughly stoned. It’s truly astounding to watch.


Like Billy Joel said, “You can’t dress trashy 'til you spend a lot of money.”


Have you seen this new dog toy?


What in God’s name is he doing in that photo? This guy does not respect other’s personal space.

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“I would love to audit your class.” Thank you! :joy_cat:

And yes they are. Fascinating to watch.

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Wow! that is great.


Love that! :joy_cat:

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He’s being disingenuous (a word I can use because he won’t know what it means if he were to read this) and it’s dangerous. Hillary lost the EC by 77,744 votes, a small percentage each from MI, WI and PA. And I learned from the New Yorker: HRC won 489 of the wealthiest counties in the country. PP got the small towns, 'burbs and rural areas. In other words she got the educated, the techies, the informed voters. He didn’t.

@squirreltown I’ve told you about my encounters with the very savvy squirrels in Golden Gate Park. They block your path til you throw something their way

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