Discussion: Trump: I Don't Think We'll Have A Brokered Convention

Discussion for article #246281

Trump uber alles!

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And then, Trump sent one of his minions to figure out what “brokered convention” means.


Trump is pathologically unable to be anything else than a winner. I wonder who on his team is doing his analyses for upcoming primaries. As the twenty-odd percent comes from Bush-Kasich-Carson tot other candidates, what’s his plan for maximizing his gain?

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Oh yes you will!

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Well, I would think that’s up to Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes. Don’t you?


Likely dependent upon how much stupid-money the oligarchs wish to burn.



Trump said that he thought he was “doing better than that.”

Nope. You needed to be winning these early states by about 45%. You are well short and not even coming close to that mark. And now that the field narrows, that 35% you are stuck at is a problem, not a benefit.


He’s beginning to remind me of Ultron for some reason.

Yep. Predictwise currently places Trump’s odds of winning at 50 percent and Rubio’s at 46 percent.

I’d buy Rubio at that rate – although I’d rather see Hillary running against Trump because we’d retake the Senate if Trump was the nominee.


If the Estabishment tries that, I can easily see Trump going third party. That’s his ace in the hole.


I think we still retake the Senate, especially with the clusterf**k they are running headlong into regarding Scalia’s replacement. We only need to flip 5 and I see PA, WI, OH, FL, NH and IL as all extremely do-able with pretty good to decent shots at AZ, and IN. NV and possibly CO are the only seats that we have to defend.


It all comes down to Florida…

I really hope Trump gets the nomination and Hillary beats him by 400+ EV. Ideally it would be 538-0. but some red states will vote for GOP no matter who the nominee is.

And in the very unlikely event happened that he actually won, he scares me the least of the freaks in GOP contest. But that is kind of like having to choose between poison ivy, food poisoning, and hemorrhoids.


Trump - "Hey If it’s not brokered, don’t fix it, amirite?


Trump refuses to rule out running as an Independent. He’s keeping his “escape hatch” open by continually referring to the fact that he’s not being treated “fairly” by the RNC. Right now, Trump is holding so many cards that it might be the only time ever that he’s playing with a full deck.

Imagine if this thought finally occurs to him: He can run as an “I”, torpedo the GOP chances for the White House, help Dems take back the Senate, ensure we have a DEM POTUS who will then get to appoint maybe as many as 4 Supremes over the next 4 years. Trump will suddenly realize that he could put the TRUMP name on the entire US of A’s 3 branches of government! That’s almost too much of an ego jolt even for the Ego-in-Chief. If he ever realizes that he has the entire country by the short hairs, he’ll do it in a heartbeat. Go Darn Old Trump!!!

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You’re an optimist, and I like that! I do hope overreach on the Supreme Court nomination, gives Dems the edge in competitive states … plus don’t forget about NC. Bill and Barack together could really help turnout. The one sour note: If Grayson wins the nomination, I doubt he’ll win statewide in FL.

And I’m still pissed off at the weak fight that Dems appear to be putting up for Grassley’s seat; Cornfed Chauncey Gardner has just been lucky for five straight elections. Really: Isn’t it time for him to go?

I don’t know, but it’s going to be yuuuuuuge! And Jeb, Ben, and John will pay for it. Or, he will just say they will, and the sheep will believe it.

BTW, is anyone else a little tired of these entitled ass-hats saying that “Obama care is a disaster” on ANY interview, and NEVER being asked to give reasons and figures to prove their point?


Totally. Exactly what he will do. The people who support him know that he will do this, but will “know” that he has to do it to win because liberal media argle bargle, so he won’t lose any support from them.


The whole idea behind a broker convention would be to find a way to dump Trump. So of course he hopes it never happens.

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