Discussion: Trump Defends Flynn Hiring, Hits Sally Yates In Morning Tweets

Don’t expect Trump or his zombies to understand any of this. Government is just too hard. It gives them a headache.


You mean January 2016, I assume. (In some ways, it’s hard to believe this has gone on so long.) But yes, I agree that Trump just went with it, but then he got to know and like Flynn, because Flynn made him feel like a big boy who was buddies with a real Army general who had (and probably shared) neato secrets. I’m with Josh on this one – Flynn and Trump spent a lot of time together on the campaign trail, and it’s hard to believe Trump didn’t know about him and his new interests. Trump just didn’t think it was important as long as Flynn was on Trump’s side.


Wait till he starts having tiny propaganda “hard copy Trump tweets”, in millions of fortune cookies, dropped from Air Force 1.


Honestly, it’s all so exhausting at this point.

He’s a disgrace.


They drank the Orange Fool-Aid


The President continues to accuse Any American he wants. of breaking the law, without providing evidence. Imagine the country he is leading without the rule of law. we continue to lose our Democracy one slice at a time. this liar in chef is out of control. the Republican Party refuses to stop him. “until they come for me”


No way—really? My “too good to be true” reflexes kick in on stuff like that.


Dear Mr. President:

Counsel and council are two distinct words with quite disparate meanings. Notwithstanding the fact that native speakers frequently confuse them, primarily because of the identical pronunciation, they must be kept separate:

coun•sel [koun-suhl]
noun, plural coun•sel for 3.

  1. advice; opinion or instruction given in directing the judgment or conduct of another.
  2. interchange of opinions as to future procedure; consultation; deliberation.
  3. Law. (used with a singular or plural verb) the advocate or advocates engaged in the direction of a cause in court; a legal adviser or counselor: Is counsel for the defense present?
  4. deliberate purpose; plan; design.
  5. Theology. one of the advisory declarations of Christ, considered by some Christians as not universally binding but as given for aid in attaining moral perfection.


coun•cil [koun-suhl]

  1. an assembly of persons summoned or convened for consultation, deliberation, or advice.
  2. a body of persons specially designated or selected to act in an advisory, administrative, or legislative capacity: the governor’s council on housing.
  3. (in certain British colonies or dependencies) an executive or legislative body assisting the governor.
  4. an ecclesiastical assembly for deciding matters of doctrine or discipline.
  5. New Testament. the Sanhedrin or other authoritative body.

Learn to spell; help make America great again.


That comes just after two Corinthians, right?


in a single word - competent


Oh right… I forgot that he ended with “And any sex tapes that existed—and I’m not saying there were any—were destroyed. I wouldn’t be so stupid to let anyone else have a sex tape of me with beautiful women.”

Misspelled, hmmm. They’re trying to convince us that he actually writes his own tweets. Evidence of literacy?
Puh-leeze. I smell a false flag. It’s the last straw.


I literally didn’t get what he was saying. I thought he was mislabeling some White House group.

That’s about the size of it. It’s exhausting reacting to every idiotic and boneheaded thing he says. He’s an ignoramus. If he wasn’t President he’d have been medicated or taken to an mental hospital by now for observation and assessment. In the meantime, I’ll continue to laugh at his inane remarks and outright stupidity.

Here is a man that was able to sell other dumbshits that he could make things better for them, somehow by hating all the same people he hated. They were conned. I have no sympathy for those fools. None whatsoever. I do hope those people have the opportunity to go back to school to get their education, which I understand many of them are lacking even in the most basic sense. That might help some, but by all measure, they’re starting to look like a lost cause. Without education of some sort, their ignorance remains a pre-existing condition.

Btw, intimidating a witness by the so-called POTUS prior to her testimony before Congress, is fucking disgraceful. Something tells me, Sally Yates is not going to be hushed by this Moronic, Miscreant, Mango-Maned Mouthpiece.


I tend to forget how bizarre the Bible sounds when taken literally.


Sorry, but nope. He is just as oblivious as ever. He’s continuing his same MO, over and over and over and over and over and… DT is incapable of learning anything on his own. If/when he is ever charged, or even accused of illegal/traitorous shenanigans, he will attribute that news as FAKE, and continue on as normal. He still thinks by tweeting warning shots that he can scare his enemies into silence. His mind is completely detached from reality.


OT Ralph–did you see my response to your question as to why the Sunday shows survive? If you want it send me a PM and I’ll send it to you.

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Trump accuses Obama of giving Flynn “the highest clearance” …and trump didn’t when Flynn was his National Security Advisor? I suppose Flynn was even then a marginal sort of guy not really doing anything of any importance?
Go pound sand Donnie.


Many people don’t realize that “high crimes and misdemeanors” doesn’t refer to statutory crimes, but rather the undermining of democratic norms. Intimidating witnesses and judges is the kind of thing that would be on the list if Trump ever lost his protection in the House of Reps.


Nice attempt, but, well, pearls before swine.

See, you would have lost him already with “noun, plural”…

Anything after that is the written equivalent of “wahwah wah wahwah WAH wah wah” à la Charlie Brown.

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