Discussion: Trump Acknowledges Russia Meddling, Blames Obama For 'No Action'

Just imagine what Trump would have been tweeting and what he would be saying at his rallies if Obama had been more open about the Russian meddling. Short of calling the election off and rescheduling it (for which there’s no precedent and no legal authority), Obama probably took the least disruptive course of action. This turned out horribly, but it was a considered decision, not some eruption from the id, which is what it would have evoked.


Ok. Let’s just stop listening to whatever he tweets or says. It is all BS and disinformation. I refuse to be jerked around on a string by his supposed “intelligence” He is nothing more than PT Barnum running a circus. This is a game to him. He no more cares about this country than Putin.

If the Dems were smart they would hire a strategists who was a NY real estate magnate who knew how to manipulate the mob, contractors and politicians to get his way. Then they could game out everything he says and does and be ahead of his next move.

He is good at selling a “vision” but the devil is in the details. Unfortunately gerrymandering, fools and bigots have enabled this behavior. Now we have to undue gerrymandering. Can’t do much about the fools and bigots other than isolate them and diminish their influence.

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So the Trumpster will acknowledge Russian meddling if he can use it as a vehicle to attack Obama. Apparently, for this SOS (Sack of Shit), reality is reality if and only if it facilitates his dominance of others or strokes his vanity.

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You know, I have had a very hard time thinking that Flynn would feed the Russians info about what the CIA et alia knew and didn’t. But the more we find out, the more sense that makes. It is sickening.


In my opinion McTurtle set the whole thing up. He possesses more revenge than has been displayed.


Don’t do that!!! I am so squeamish about eyes.

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hmmm… Trump says no action from Obama… really?
Obama kicked out a bunch of Russians out of our country right after the election.
Because Trump surrogates were involved in the collusion Russia, Obama left behind detailed information for Congressional and FBI investigators to pick up.
Obama initiated the implementation of digital bombs as countermeasures that could be triggered to screw up Russia’s digital infrastructure.
Obama warn congressional leaders about Russia’s tampering with our election process.
On the other hand, when congressional investigators spoke with the heads of the CIA and NSA and asked if Trump ever asked them about Russia’s interference into our elections last fall, they answered “NO” he has not.


Just a very creepy old piece of original republican obsessive evil. The worst.


The Jim Jones of the GOP Death Cult.


“to” basic? “to” old?

Any links ?

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I’m thinking @tiowally is making up a story. A good one too.

The gaslighter of the century, crossed with the hunchbutt of Trump Tower.
What a fucking monster he is.

Fly the flag on the 4th…what better way to troll my republican comrades?


hmm… didn’t notice that Elaine Chao was appointed to SCOTUS…

Trump: There was no Russian subversion of our elections and besides Obama didn’t stop it.

Edit: Yes, this is ridiculous.


I suppose the argument he is trying to make is that regardless of Russian meddling (which might have been to help Hillary, for all we know!), failing to call it out has led to people incorrectly questioning the legitimacy of his historically huge win.

Heh. No knives, so it’s ok (but funny!).

If you want to really make me freak out, the movie is Un Chien Andalou. I’ve never been able to watch all of it.

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Why didn’t they lock the door, hide their valuables? I wouldn’t have gone in and taken them. It’s their fault!

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