Discussion: Trump Accuses Troops Of Stealing Money In 'Crooked As Hell' Iraq (VIDEO)

Just when I thought that Trump couldn’t find another group to alienate, he finds one. Our troops. That’s probably going to go over about as well as a turd in a punch bowl.


Next up: Moms. I don’t know what they are doing that’s wrong and unAmerican, but I feel sure that Trump is going to let me know.


It’ll be to combat puppy mills don’t ya know!

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They’re making those damned pies with imported Mexican apples!!!


We do “live in interesting times!”

It remains to be seen whether that is the fulfillment of a curse, or a blessing.


I’m thinking more along the lines of external forces like the Kochs, Adelson, and other big name donors coming together and telling the party to figure out a way to dump this guy in favor of someone else.


He tried to say later he meant Iraqi troops. And he’s probably dumb enough to think the U.S. government just gave millions of dollars to the Iraqi army to be distributed to the rest of the country.


It would be devastating to their prospects in November – basically, stealing the nomination from the person the GOP base backs.

Would it be MORE devastating than Trump himself? Hard to say.


Donald is scared as shit now and looking for someone to bump him out of 1st place so that he can go back to his empty, hate-filled tirades without having to do any actual work.

He is a draft-dodging COWARD!


ABC/Washington Post Poll…Strongly Unfavorable Clinton 40%…Strongly Unfavorable Trump
57%…Trump stinks…


I seem to recall that early on Bill Clinton told him it would be a good idea if he ran. It may be that all of this is his greatest con. I can see towards the end of this when he tells his adoring crowds what idiots they are, then tells Bill “Mission accomplished.”


Nor am I.

If the G.O.P. tries to nominate someone else, there will be a riot at the convention, and probably an extraordinarily violent one. We’re not talking about loud demonstrations and fist-shaking, here - we’re talking about genuine mayhem, with many serious injuries and a few deaths thrown in for good measure.

If Trump crashes and burns after the convention, then they would have to find this wonderful savior. And who, pray tell, might that be? The remaining national figures in the party are almost as foul as Trump. It’s difficult to imagine any one of them carrying more than a handful of states.


That’s the problem with your analysis. Trump isn’t a rational being, so trying to find the rationale for his behavior isn’t possible. He is a delusional egomaniac who very well might be suffering from neurological problems.

And now he is losing…big. Which is going to be more humiliation than he has ever experienced. Lashing out at any and everything is precisely the sort of reaction that one should expect. Because its not about campaigning…it never has been. Its about ego fulfillment.


Well, General, answer the draft dodger.


Unfortunately/fortunately, he never had an endgame. Running was always a lark for him to feed his insane narcissism. He (and we) never dreamed that things would go this far.

But they did. And here we are.

The GOP has already been dragged down and, personally, I don’t see how they recover from this. Ever. Because in the days after Nov. 8th, there won’t be any sort of “autopsy” done. There won’t even be a corpse left to put a tag on.


He has serious mental problems. Mired in a fantasy of how “smart” he is. He himself is a first generation American his mother immigrated from Scotland. His grandfather immigrated from Germany and changed his name this family denied they were German. This is Donald Trumps heritage he is so ashamed of it he never refers to his roots. Strange Man.


“They were going through Afghanistan paying off, I want to know who were the soldiers that are carrying cash of 50 million dollars? Cash! How stupid are we?” he said at a September rally. “I wouldn’t be surprised those soldiers, I wouldn’t be surprised if the cash didn’t get there, I have to be honest.”

Well you have to admit he’s very articulate. They don’t call him The Silver-Tongued Orator for nothing.


That’s exactly right. The #NeverTrump movement has always been doomed to fail because its not #XXXInsteadOfTrump. They spent a year and millions of dollars and still couldn’t rally around a single candidate to defeat Trump…they aren’t going to do it in 4 days at a convention in a hall filled with angry Trump supporters.

Now, there IS a possibility that Trump will manufacture some bizarre reason to drop out. And though I don’t think that is probable…the chances of it happening seem to be increasing daily. He is looking at an epic loss…freaking Utah and Kansas have polling that shows them in play now…and his ego simply cannot deal with that sort of humiliation.


OK, back on May 28 James Fallows, IMHO the best and most serious journalist working today, said this, and he didn’t say it lightly: “It’s increasingly evident that something is seriously wrong with Donald Trump.” It was the day after Trump’s extended rant over Judge Curiel. How long ago does that seem now? How much irrational and despicable behavior have we seen since then? You really have to wonder how much longer this can go on.


If Trump crashes and burns after the convention, then they would have to find this wonderful savior. And who, pray tell, might that be?

That would be the ONES WHO ENDORSED HIM. How do any of those people get out of this looking - well, decent.

This is a major problem for the GOP. They knew he was rough around the edges but they didn’t believe (not really) that he was truly mentally ill. And that the remainder of the GOP base identifies with this truly mentally ill person. The GOP doesn’t really have anyone left who can step forward.

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