Discussion: Top Gun Lobbyist: If GOP Loses SCOTUS, We Might ‘Have To Resort To Bullet Box’

Thank you! The vitriol is starting to wear on me as well. I am a woman in my 40’s and I support Sanders, as does my 50 year old husband and my 72 year old mother. Belittling all his supporters by patronizingly referring to them as young woman-hating white men is frankly insulting to the rest of us. We will trudge to the ballot boxes and sadly vote for Hillary if we must, as we are far from being idiots, but would appreciate it if folks would stop sneering at 40% of the Democratic Party.


The Second Amendment and guns…

Making small children deadly and cowards confident.

It’s a good think Larry Pratt owns firearms, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to defend himself… at all… actually he looks like he’d have trouble walking more than two blocks.


Pratt said “And we may have to reassert that constitutional balance, and it may
not be pretty," he continued. "So, I’d much rather have an election
where we solve this matter at the ballot box than have to resort to the
bullet box.”

Knight replied, “Well, there’s impeachment, too.”
… Impeachment for what? Getting elected is now an impeachable offense?

Fear and paranoia is all these goons have. Nobody will be taking your precious guns away. To change the 2nd amendment would be a MONUMENTAL effort requiring a super majority in Congress (not likely) and 75% of state legislatures (also extremely unlikely) or a Constitutional Convention which is even more unlikely. So Mr Pratt … go stroke yer gun barrel.


The primary reason red state yahoos want as many guns as they can get their hands on is their abject fear of black and brown Americans. In their nightmares, they and their families are being overrun by non-white hordes. This fear makes them highly susceptible to any claim that the federal government will soon confiscate their weapons. Both the NRA and the GOP appeal to this fear and do everything they can to exacerbate it.


…and snarkasm off. Or as the tech boys say… < /snark>.

Hi ho, I’m not interested in the demographic back-and-forth, but what policy differences are you talking about? My wife and I differ on who we’re voting for in the CA Democratic Primary, a privilege of voting in one of the last states, but in our discussions the policy differences seem to come down to semantics. Any clarity would be appreciated.


Back in the day 1950’s and 60’s, my grandfather was an nra instructor. You know, when the nra was all about gun safety and competition. I enjoyed shooting competitively and was working on my distinguished expert when he died.

But that doesn’t mean I want every tom, dick and loon to carry loaded guns, with no background checks, no gun safety knowledge, not knowing how to shoot the stupid thing, not having laws that keep those same exact loaded guns away for their kids, no freaking way.


or, Lush Rimbaugh.

The NRA is setting up the rhetoric to sell even more guns under Hillary than they did under Obama, and they broke all sorts of records for guns and ammunition sales under Obama!


The Secret Service needs to have a talk with this man.

This is an explicit call for assassination. There is no way to deny that.

Larry Pratt has more influence with the Republican caucus than the NRA. I watched him in the mid 1980’s pull the NRA to the very far right by attacking them as being soft on gun control and pulling away NRA members that the NRA moved further right. It started when the NRA backed a very narrow bill to ban teflon-coated bullets (AKA cop killer bullets) and Pratt roasted them for being for gun control. Ever since the NRA has not let Pratt get to its right.

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@frankly_my_dear you’re way off base

McGovern trailed Nixon by around 20 points or more throughout 1972 in the polls, unlike Bernie, who has strongly led Republicans in the polls throughout the primary. In May 1972, McGovern was on 34 points and Nixon on 53 according to Gallup; and in May 2016 NBCNews/Wall Street Journal had Bernie on 54 points and Trump on 39.

McGovern’s loss was intensified, with a Nixon poll surge in early fall, in part because of how shabbily he treated Tom Eagleton–something still brought up to me on occasion when I’m interviewing older people in the course of my work (I never hear McGovern’s name volunteered in any other context but that); Bernie Sanders scores higher than any other candidate on character.

McGovern ran a campaign heavy on identity politics and an an antiwar theme, and light on economics; Bernie Sanders is soft-pedalling identity politics (which, granted, has cost him in the primary with older voters), somewhat avoiding foreign policy, and focusing heavily on economics

America has changed since 1972, a fact which you imply isn’t. The Cold War? Fragmented. Minorities? Tripled their share of the electorate. Millenials? Are as likely to self-identify as socialist as they are conservative.

Making spurious and absurdly over-generalized connections doesn’t make these two campaigns comparable.

Oh, and the BernieBro meme is an outrage.


My dad’s gun case had a glass set of doors. And as a kid I attended an NRA-Cub Scout show and tell about gun safety which was cool because I earned a badge out of it.
These days my gun resides in a locked gun safe inside a dead bolted closet that my grandson doesn’t even know exists. Tiempo cambio.


What is of utmost importance is that all Sanders’ supporters be shamed and have their noses rubbed in their losing effort and that Clinton’s supporters be given ample time to dance around mocking them and making sure they feel as small as possible for trying to nominate someone other than Hillary. The general isn’t so important as to make conciliation an important effort.

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After carefully rehearsing that particular line with Pratt, what could he say?

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I really do believe that the Bernie-or-bust-ers are a small (but vocal) minority. If I were a Bernie supporter, you’d really be pissing me off because I’d feel grossly mischaracterized. It wouldn’t stop me from voting, but it sure would make me less enthusiastic. I guess what I’m trying to say is we should stop trying to make this schism larger. I don’t think Bernie supporters are a lost cause and don’t think they should be written off.


Only after considerable amounts of bourbon and nailing to the floor any heavy object I might toss at the TV.


I wonder if we can push for Steve King’s removal from the House over his support of terrorist suicide attacks against the United States.


Pratt born in 1943, has no military service so I wonder where he hid out during the Vietnam War?


That chart only gives the ecologic data for the primaries, but doesn’t actually break down the support for each candidate by subgroups. Here is a somewhat dated but more direct comparison of the breakdown of the supporters for the two candidates. http://www.salon.com/2016/03/03/inside_the_democrats_racial_divide_bernie_sanders_hillary_clinton_and_the_polls_that_prove_this_isnt_over_yet/
I was unable to find a more recent set of data on the breakdown, but I would caution my compadres on this site to be more measured and nuanced in their understanding of the support for the two candidates as well as the electoral mathematics we face if we are to resoundingly defeat TeaRumpism and grab all the down-ticket races available to us.

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