Discussion: Top Gun Lobbyist: If GOP Loses SCOTUS, We Might ‘Have To Resort To Bullet Box’

Well, a lot will, and you are RIGHT to raise the alarm! But Team Obama will not let us down in terms of awareness building, just to name one factor. Nor will Bill. And I think Hillary now has a pretty clued it team, as well!

Tuesday is Bernie’s last real hurrah. Trump’s been digging his own grave last few days.


Close perhaps…but no cigar

"So, I’d much rather have an election where we solve this matter at the ballot box than have to resort to the bullet box.”

He chose his words carefully (or had them chosen for him). In court he would argue that he clearly stated that he wanted the issue revolved via voting, and hoped it wouldn’t be resolved via violence.

Its a thin line, and its quite obvious what his audience will hear, and he knows that. But the way its phrased gives him enough cover to avoid prosecution.


Today’s GOP Mantra:

“If we can’t win at the ballot box, it’s TOTALLY justified for us to kill all you fuckers to take control of the Nation. As our God intended (according to us). Because reasons.”


“the courts do not have the last word on what the Constitution is.”

Jeeeez’! The stupid in gun humper Pratt…It burns!


These ammosexual Rightietards need to continue reading after the 2nd Amendment…Really you dumbasses, there is more.


Who’s there?
Secret Service.
…oh shit.


Of course, cause’ Jeezus’ wrote it right thar’ in our Consititution! :confused:


Nearly 9% of Americans are angry, impulsive - and have a gun, study says.

More on ScienceDaily.


Sorry, you can’t claim to be a reasonable, responsible gun owner on the one hand, and then threaten to start shooting elected officials if Americans elect someone you don’t like for President on the other. The two claims are mutually incompatible.


The Bundys had the same deep thoughts, and look where they are now.


This is akin to yelling ‘Fire’ in a crowed theater… except FIRE will be be taken literally.


The power to interpret the constitution by Federal courts is implied from Section 2 of Article III:

Marbury states that the power is not merely implied, it was a fact. I agree with you, by the way.


“I used to bull’s-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home. They’re not much bigger than Tea Partiers.”


in other words … I will let other frightened moronic idgits who take my and the NRA BS seriously do the fighting while I hide my miserable ass with wayne la pissant someplace where bullets cant find us and cheer them on

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Oh great, another Second Amendment Solution asshole… Doesn’t this guy realize that by saying “give us what we want or we will use violence to get it” makes him sound just like ISIL? It’s a terroristic threat.


“At that point, we would have to come to an understanding, which we’ve been sort of taught, it’s been taught out of us, that the courts do not have the last word on what the Constitution is,” Pratt said on the show, in remarks first flagged by RightWingWatch.

“And we may have to reassert that constitutional balance, and it may not be pretty," he continued. "So, I’d much rather have an election where we solve this matter at the ballot box than have to resort to the bullet box.”

Hulu Announcer: “The following examples of unintended irony are proudly bought to you by Wikipedia.”


Face it, Larry. We have guns too and we’re better shots.

My wife is an avid target shooter at a local private gun club, has her gun permit—and voted for Sanders in the Michigan primary. I’ve done a decent amount of shooting at the same club in the past, and have a small pile of NRA-sanctioned badges for different levels of beginning pistol marksmanship (which would make my dear sainted mother spin in her grave if she knew…). None of this would frighten experts, but the notion that no liberal Democrats have ever fired a gun is a fantasy.


Give it an f-ing rest. This Bernie Bros thing is asinine. You do realize that Bernie also won women and African Americans under 40 right? His voters were every bit as diverse as Hillary’s. It just so happens that Hillary appeals to old people and Bernie appeals to young people. And old people vote in higher numbers. But this idea that only wealthy suburbanite white men support Bernie is insulting, and is not reflected by the data. It is age and age alone that separates Hillary’s voters from Bernie’s.

The other reason to let it go. Everyone realizes that Hillary is the nominee. 99% of Bernie’s voters will be there at the ballot box to vote for her. As Bernie’s campaign has jumped off the rails, exactly as Hillary’s did in 2008, his supporters are finding their way home. Let’s not welcome them with back with mocking bigotry hmm? Pretty hard to join forces with someone who is constantly berating you for legitimate policy differences.


I imagine the bros don’t read left wing commentary or middle of the road for tht matter but depend only what they hear from the bernie and each other.

Something on the MoJo page made me wander off to Think Progress where there’s a disturbing report on the anti-semitism present in trump’s supporters directed at writers who cover him truthfully, so he’s lost the Jews. There really aren’t many more demographics he can lose and still prevail, unless 70% of all the white men in the country turn out for him.



If you follow the entire thread you’ll see I was responding to somebody else who questioned whether bernie’s bros were listening and it was a thrown out remark.

“Hey Sanders supporters, you still think voting against Hillary is a great idea?”

And if you’re thinking I might enjoy lectures from you, you’d be wrong.

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