Discussion: Tantaros: Holder Ran The DOJ 'Much Like The Black Panthers Would'

YEAH, so much like the Black Panthers, a small group of activists from the 60’s and early 70’s, which really hasn’t been around much at all since then.

YEAH, exactly like the Black Panthers, who insisted kids like Eric Holder could grow up to go to law school and become AG.

YEAH, exactly, because any black man in a position of authority and influence is viewed by white racists on Fox as intimidating when that black man insists upon justice for all racial and minority groups.


“He was droning terrorists without a trial”

  • Andrea Tantarous, terrorism supporter.

I see I’m just in time for her weekly idiotic comment.


The great irony is that Holder is such a bloody White Shoe Lawyer it’s difficult to imagine him as anything other than another standard revolving door politician. Just look at his actions re: Wall Street.

The real issue is – heaven forfend! – he actually spoke about race on occasion. And we certainly can’t have that! He acknowledges race in America, ergo he’s a Black Panther.


Fox: Raising the Hourly Level of Outrage to Eleven since 1/20/2009.

Fox News: #NotIntendedToBeAFactualNewsOrganization


The fun part about having a black man as AG was I knew it just ate away at the bigots, it’s so easy to get their goat. I hope the next AG is black also,for the same reason LOL!


I wonder what it feels like to cash a check for being that stupid in public.


Would I be bad if I said she gets her’s via direct deposit? Ooops, I guess I said it. My bad.


Who says that the Black Panthers wouldn’t have done a fine job running the DOJ? I’m not sure what the insult is supposed to be.


Teatroll Rosetta Stone says: “Demographic shifts have me so worried about darkies taking over and taking revenge on white people for a couple centuries of racist bullshit that I now vomit paranoid delusions on a regular basis. Oh look…here’s one now…”


Easy—in Wingnut Logic, this is called the Law of the Excluded Everything. If an Obama official does two things that are exact opposites, they’re both wrong because a thing an Obama official does is wrong because an Obama official did it.


Haha…that might be begging the question: this twit is clearly (a) saddled with possessing all the intelligence of a sundried amoeba and (b) incapable of any emotion other than fake outrage, which maybe doesn’t even count as an emotion anyway…so I dunno if “feeling” is the right thing to ascribe to her.

There, I said something other than my first knee-jerk response, which was going to be “probably about the same feeling as being a prostitute.” Oops, now I went and said it…

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My guess is that Fox News has an “Inflammatory Talking Points Department” and those employees brainstorm the most outrageous, preposterous ideas and responses and feed it to the no-brain talking heads they would like to think are journalists or informed pundits. FAIL!!


She is a very nasty woman…

I bet she NEVER gets laid

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Sadly, I have to say that’s probably wrong. She’s kinda hot and clearly willing to sell herself out, sooooooo…

I looked up her education. Lehigh undergrad-- and sometimes she graduated from the Sorbonne. Other times she just “pursued graduate studies” there. Love to know that story.

And they would have been wrong if they didn’t do it.

becuz BENNNNGHAAAAAAZZZZZIIIIIIII!1@@2Ww@2Qq!1!!A@12w!!1!1QqQ!!!1!q2q!1!1!

dang…that felt really good!

Did you read her bio at the Faux News site? She’s a particular nasty bit.



We wish!!

There are about 350 million people in America. Fox ‘News’ Channel’s most popular program draws ~2 million old, white and unemployed male viewers sitting around the house all day screaming at the TV.

2 million viewers out of 350 million- less than 0.5% of America’s population. So who cares what Fox or their audience is babbling on about??? Why lend them any credence whatsoever, beyond their major accomplishment of providing late-night TV comedian fodder…their frothing inanity and manufactured outrage should be met with either stony silence or howls of derisive laughter.

We need to stop paying them any notice whatsoever.


Once upon a time, a journalist moved to a quiet town in the country. The quiet town had never had their own journalist before. It was a very quiet town where not much happened. The journalist found herself struggling to make a living. Then, another journalist moved into the town. Now there is enough income for two large media empires.


I thought the same thing when I read this. The answer is they simply don’t care because their audience needs to hear this stuff. It’s the only way they can they deal with the fact that this President was elected and re-elected - the only way they can survive their misery is to play make believe

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