Discussion: State Rep. Fakes Sex Scandal To Hide Relationship With Fellow Legislator

This is so awesome. How does he explain this to his wife? “No honey, I started the rumors, to cover up something else I’m doing! What? Oh, nothing.”


Math is not my strong suit, but if the half-wit Courser has failed twice – once with the convoluted plan idea and then, once again, with the bumbling execution, shouldn’t he now be considered an eighth-wit?


“I live in Wisconsin, on the border with Minnesota, and I can pretty
much guarantee no one here will run the story locally or nationally.”

That is serious redneck country. I used to live in Milwaukee and the divided nature of the state was and is quite alarming. The socialist turn of the southeast part of the state (Milwaukee had a socialist mayor for most of the last century) was used to churn up the rural areas.

Wisconsin is a scary place that’s given birth to Sens. Joe McCarthy, Gaylord Nelson, William Proxmire, as well as Scott Walker.

I hope to do my part in turning it around, having relocated here from Connecticut late last year.

However, in this part of Wisconsin (where I am, literally, across the river from Minnesota), it isn’t quite as redneck.

I’ll go with nit-wit.


This strategy of the GOP may explain Trump.

You make a strong argument that “quarter-wit” is still to generous for this clown.


Indeed. Reading about these guys makes me feel I’m pretty virtuous after all–close to a saint!

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Wheeew! Since it was a Conservative Christian Republican scandal, I’m just glad to discover no small children were victimized.

When those TEAtard Christians invoke the bible, Jesus and the Holy Ghost…hide the children.

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I’ll go with nit-wit.

Hard to argue with that, other than I’m not sure it’s fair to nits.


half wit more like a shit wit

Also known as a shidiot.

How chivalrous! A gentleman does not kiss and tell.

Oh boy. This is like a Mexican novela.


And…GAWWD’…You simply HAVE to listen to the audio of the TEAtard Courser’s proposal. Creeeepy’ as all get out and pure gold; the hapless aide goes from befuddled to ‘this is fucking crazeeeee’ ! It’s HERE:



On some of the local blogs, Republicans’ line is “Everyone does it”, thus missing the whole point of hypocrisy and bringing up Clinton.

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Here’s an idea. Why don’t you espouse policies that are overtly racist and discriminatory, that tear at our social fabric and rip apart the safety net…and then everything else will seem mild in comparison. Oh wait.


Yes! I feel sorta like I’ve been short-shrifted because my “lifestyle” used to be such a black-sheep, on the fringes way of living. Alas, the Teaple have surpassed me. In fifty years, will our nation need little congregation-type cities (think San Francisco, Miami, New Orleans, NYC) for today’s “conservatives” to flock to just so they won’t be “persecuted” for their lifestyles, however deviant they may be?


And…GAWWD’…You simply HAVE to listen to the audio of the TEAtard Courser’s proposal. Creeeepy’ as all get out and pure gold; the hapless aide goes from befuddled to ‘this is fucking crazeeeee’ ! It’s HERE:


Holy fucking hand grenades! Thanks for that. Was fun to try to picture the aide’s face during this exchange.

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