Discussion: Senate Dems Ask IGs At DOJ And Commerce To Review New Census Case Claims

“How dare you use direct quotes of my voice mail against me. The person saying these things is clearly a liar.”


Can you imagine dropping into this flooded quagmire of shit dealing while the flood is still going on, and then trying to figure out what happened when, who said what to who, and no one-not a single person in this maladministration is telling the lawyer that is trying to protect the President the truth, and the whole truth at that.


It just occurred to me that Bilious Bill Barr is like the guy desperately trying to hold fifty ping pong balls under water at the same time.


One thing in the back of my mind since the Pelosi deepfake video broke is whether that wasn’t really a shot at her so much as a deliberate move to make everybody start questioning the validity of recordings…


Well I’d hazard a guess that Bill’s body mass would be enough to hold 75% underwater, and then he’ll deny that there are 25% still left bobbing around him.


I read someplace that the DOJ was put under the Executive for a lack of a better place when it was formed.

Fruits of decades of development coming back to bite us in the ass…


What’s being done by Republicans in this census case is a crime.

Forty years of conservative Oh, if we just had power, we’d bring Ronald Reagan civility and virtue back to America.

Well, Republicans, you’ve had your chance. You brought fascism. You’ve revived the Nazi.

Just like the Founders intended, right?


He had just returned from a celebration of another anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination and had partied hard…


Somebody is going to be held in contempt of court.
It’s not going to be pretty.


Going to be interesting. Sullivan just doesn’t seem the type that will take this insult and just roll over.

Would he sanction the Gov’t or could he even threaten the whole deal?

Somehow I can’t imagine that this is going to work in Flynn’s favor.


Sullivan is a serious jurist.
This is going to end badly for Barr and his minions.


I’m going with the new legal argument that just as you can’t obstruct justice if there’s no underlying crime, then you can’t be in contempt of court if the whole case started because of a non-crime!


OT. 11 dead at mass shooting at municipal building in Virginia Beach. Exceptionalism, we are number 1. Dog help us.


Is this part of the coverup of the coverup?

Or is it part of the coverup of the coverup of the coverup?

How can we keep track?


But no impeachment?

I can’t wait until the Democrats are back in and the GOP start screaming about how the Executive Branch, DOJ, etc. have WAAAAYY too much power. All I can say is if (please god) the Democrats win, they’d better start passing new legislation every single day - starting with an assault weapons ban. If Mr. I Love My Friends Across the Aisle isn’t up to it, then he cannot be the nominee. Same with additional justices.


Really, Republicans?

Our Founders, George Washington, fought and died here to be sure we preserve the rights of people who would tear up the Constitution?

Forget politics. Forget party affiliation. This is not the construction of a thriving civilization. Far from it. Newt Gingrich, where the hell are you?


Here is my prediction - no matter how much skulduggery is revealed, the 5 conservative hacks on SCOTUS are not going to pass up an opportunity to effectively put gerrymandering on steroids for the next 10 years by allowing the citizenship question on the census. All they have to do is point out that it was on there prior to the 1950s and there is nothing unconstitutional about it. Automatic reduction in representation across the board for urban areas.

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Eeeeuuuuw - please pass the brain bleach

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