Discussion: Rupert Murdoch: Carson May Be ‘The One To Beat’ In 2016

Here is the thing though.

Murdoch is guessing that Carson is the best chance the GOP has of beating down Trump. And, in Iowa, he is probably correct. After they drive Trump down, taking out Carson, who doesn’t have billions behind him and is black, will be child’s play.

He is a useful catspaw right now.


Shhh. That’s supposed to be private.


Either Murdock is that desperate or he’s gone completely senile. Either way, I’m happy with this development. The GOP’s bigoted poor white base will not vote for a black, especially one more successful than them. Trump will have them asking for his birth certificate and swearing that he’s a Muslim.


I generally don’t approve of corporal shushing , but that’s something that should be discussed in private…

What a great newsman Murdock is. Telling you today what everyone already knew yesterday. Next, he’s going to tell us going into Iraq was probably a bad idea.

Having said that, I’m still not buying Carson.

You screwed the pooch, Rupert. Neither the Token Black Man ™ or the Token Vagina-Person ™ are going to be able to take down The Combover. Every day he’s out there like a T-Rex in the LaBrea Tar Pits, the GOP withers and dies a little more.

Speaking of which, when are you gonna do the same?


1 / Shorter Murdoch: “He is the easiest candidate to buy.”

2 / The fact that RM thinks Trump is embarrassing the country proves that he doesn’t watch FOX News at all.

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Keep talking Rupert. We know you don’t like tRump so just let it all out, publicly and often.

The Guardian is reporting on Carson without touching on the crazy stuff he’s said including comparing Democrats who voted for Obama to Nazis

“There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi Germany. Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing. But did they speak up? Did they stand up for what they believe in? They did not, and you saw what happened.

And the regional party of the South that the GOOP has become won’t either.


He is indeed desperate and senile but when is he going to die?

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Murdoch’s just taking potshots at tRump in an underhanded way overlooking the fact that the AA demographic won’t turn out for Carson as they did for Obama and the R’s who comprise the Southern states won’t either.

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Well, I guess he had to file a big piece for the weekend and didn’t want to admit to his editors or readers that he’s writing about a no-chance wackaloon. He did have a brief, rather prim listing of a “small number of controversial views” Carson’s held. But this sort of article doesn’t prove much at this point, just satisfies the jones, I guess. If someone asked whether they’d learn more about Carson from reading it or watching the “one wittle wee-wee” song from the Bad Lip Reading version of the debate, I’d say it’s the latter.


Yes, there was column space to fill, and a reminder that the mother ship reported this a while back

Dr. Ben Carson has called Obamacare the “worst thing that’s happened in this nation since slavery”


“without touching on the crazy stuff”.

That would take a lot of fancy dancin’! The Huckster is just doing his grifting thing with his crazy talk but Carson I can’t figure out - a life of extraordinary accomplishments under difficult circumstances - and then some kind of transformation to crazy talk - almost as if he’s speaking in tongues. Outer world comments. Hard to fathom, almost laughable.


Well, like the writer said, Carson has some “controversial views.”

Sorry Rupert, but when it comes to the Trump & GOP clown car: “you built that”.


This old man is clueless; he knows damn well that Ben Carson will not be the 2016 GOP nominee when the dust is settled. Even if Dr. Carson won the GOP nomination on a lark, he can’t and won’t win the presidency. The GOP’s current field of candidates is a complete mess; they’re flailing all over the place. They carry on like a cast of bad characters from one of the low brow, idiotic non-reality shows. And of course, Donald Trump is the executive producer and director of the whole silly thing.

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The general collapse of the Republican Party was also predicted about Goldwater’s candidacy. Were it to happen, however, something else would take its place since our federal election system needs two partys to work. And I’m not assured that what replaces the GOP would be better, or even as good, for the American public.


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