Discussion: Republicans Commandeer Hearing On Russian Meddling To Rail Against Leaks

“I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information,” Gowdy said.

Top Intel Democrat: Trump might have divulged classified info

How soon are you going to investigate that, Mr. Gowdy? Still too busy hunting Benghazi emails?


Mole rats, heh.


@lastroth Or worse still…MOLE RATS!



President Donald Trump sent a tweet saying the “real story” is “the leaking of Classified information” about his administration. Republicans on the committee were apparently on the same page.
Because shutting down the leaks is necessary so we Republicans can keep getting the benefits of Russian interference and influence in U.S. elections to keep us in office.


Gowdy is a slippery little shit who needs a nice lesson out back by the woodshed. Here we are watching a hearing at which Trump is being humiliated for his ridiculous fabrications accusing Obama of wiretapping his campaign or Trump Tower or whatever and what’s Gowdy’s answer? To essentially accuse Obama and all of his top cabinet members and agency heads, without any evidence or backup, of being the source of criminal leaks to the press.



All political parties are tribal to a certain extent, but it’s very asymmetrical as regards Republicans and Democrats. With the GOP it seems that “anything that helps us win is, by definition, good, regardless of lack of ethics and even criminality. Anything that might make us lose, is to be resisted and by definition, fake news.” And, once aroused, like African bees, armies of aparatchiks are released from the GOP hive to attack the opposition.


Looka them incisors, @lastroth


It was orchestrated. These guys were probably spoon fed talking points focusing on leaks prior to the hearing while during the hearing trumps handlers staffed two tactical spin rooms and repeatedly sent real time messages on twitter countering and de-legitimizing comey…


And all else is failing. What a pathetic bunch.


For a former prosecutor Gowdy is remarkably selective about what forms of illegality offend him. One might almost conclude that he regards the law as nothing more than a means to achieve political ends.


True, but it was like a Jr. High Band attempting to orchestrate Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition.” They might be highly motivated, but none of them are Maurice Ravel.


So, according to these guys the leaks trump the laundering? Pathetic


I thought Gowdy was a character on ‘The Walking Dead’


Republicans in the House who are defending and bolstering 45’s treasonous behavior in violation of their oath of office. Why is that hard to understand? Are you a member of the Beachhead Groups? Come and get me!

The little fish flip on the bigger fish…and on it goes. This is exactly how they take down the Mafia. Comey just turned up the heat and the little fish are starting to boil. Should be interesting.


Preaching to the chorus as always.
The distraction game is rife in the Trounce administration but they’ve already overused the tactic so much that it’s lost its punch.

Instantly recognized for what it is, they are either on topic or they aren’t.

The Repubs don’t get that their diversions only make them look more guilty or at least like they are hiding something.

Besides, bitching about a whistleblower that did the right thing because it harms you is like bitching about the booze that got you wasted being so potent
It isn’t the boozes’ or the whistleblowers’’ fault, they are merely the conduit.

Gowdy and Nunes confirm by omission that there is definitely something fishy in and about Russia.


I’d rather just “like” the question without answering.

But if I have to kill the double entendre, I think I’d settle for literal exposure to legal jeopardy of the highest order.

That should make him feel as if he has been literally exposed in all possible senses, which would also be nice.

Some people here show an inclination to go further, and I’d probably be fine with that too.


I’m going to suggest a short, sweet Democratic response to the leak “outrage”: double down.


  1. FBI is investigating Russian attack on American democracy
  2. It’s becoming horribly clear that not only the GOP president but the GOP congress has sided with Russia.
  3. Anyone who leaks information that helps protect our national security is a patriot.

Just make it very clear, very simple. If necessary, add that Trump called on Russia to interfere with US election by leaking the Democratic emails and hacking into Hillary’s account. He is the world leader of leaking.


Or act like 7th graders. Or would it be 4th graders blaming someone else for what they did? I cannot believe how many of the people passed the Bar


I watched ( listened mostly while at work) Gowdy & his guppies attempts and it was glorious. They sound like fools. Johnny one notes. They don’t care about the investigation at all and are making it universally known. We knew , now everyone will know. My “everyone” includes Trump supporters, even if they won’t acknowledge it.

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