Discussion: Rep. Schiff ‘Worried’ GOP Plans To Shut Down House Intel’s Russia Probe

Yeah that is a major problem that I think we all suffer from - it’s hard to dumb down to that level and to feel simultaneously that panicked.


I’m with you on the degree of decadence and corruption. But I think they’ve drifted into this, and reacted out of panic and lack of realism and imagination, more than it was ever planned and coordinated. I’m asking how it would work and what result you could expect. I just don’t see the planning you’d need to pull it off even if it were a tenth of a percent possible.

It’s kind of challenging because you should be wary of thinking a particular situation is ever the result of a conspiracy, because conspiracies are hard to do and hard to keep secret. What’s unusual is Trump was stupid and crazy enough and in deep enough with an evil autocrat to actually engage in a conspiracy, which then of course became detected by ICs around the world. I think the GOP, though, is mostly improvising like the evil dopes they are. If they have a serious plan in place I’d like to hear how they think it’s going to work, is all.


Yeah I don’t think even the GOP sees itself as a permanent ruling party in a dictatorship.

I really don’t.


They’re not having that easy of a time as a majority party in a democracy in easy economic times. I get that competency is not a hallmark of authoritarians but like any robbery there’s still stuff you have to do right.



There’s not a damn thing I can add to that or take away from it - that’s just perfect.


If the Republicans do this, Democrats should rent a hall and convene informal hearings. Many witnesses would not appear, because there is no way to threaten to compel them, but I bet enough could be convinced to make it interesting. And the media would love it.


Keep hoping.

I’m not talking about the president I’m talking about the GOP.

If Dick “we’re going to hunt down the remaining Democrats with dogs and exterminate them” Cheney rolled off into the sunset, the rest of them will.


Yes, they do.

Control and power.

This is not being considered by the GOP. They are genetically prevented from the consideration of any and all consequences of their actions. Maintaining power and control makes them legitimate.

Again, not a part of their equation. Not relevant. End game = power and control.

The ends justify the means. You will be assimilated.


The GOP is getting VERY nervous.



They are going for straight-up authoritarianism. Have been for awhile now. It’s distressing that so many of us refuse to accept it.



This is why they’re fighting Mueller - not for Trump but for themselves.


Yeah they are authoritarian. Now what do you expect from that? No more elections?

I wish them good luck with that.


I don’t see that they’re doing this to save Trump. They’re doing it to save their own power. Now, maybe they see Trump’s survival as part of that, at least for the time being, but I just think they see themselves being dragged down by the ongoing investigations and they want to free themselves of that. Good luck with that plan.

I hope Mueller is just sitting on some indictments and can release them between the words “you’re” and “fired.” Or between the words “it’s Friday” and “time for the 6:00 o’clock news.”


Pretty fucking condescending.


Look, I take this seriously but I have to ask if you’re saying they’re consciously doing that, as a plan they’ve discussed. Because that’s far more explosive than anything Trump’s done so far and yet they’ve kept it absolutely quiet.


This is why Ryan is heading for the exit.


Yes it is.

Thank you for that.


No, elections will continue. Even most dictatorships hold elections. After all, plausible deniability is their bread and butter.

But “certain people” will have an increasingly difficult time casting their vote, and the methods for counting votes will become increasingly opaque. All they have to do is win enough seats by a single vote to maintain power.

This is already occurring, and has been for years.


Dude! It’s 5:00 somewhere. Have a beer and take a load off your feet. Relax! Just for a little bit.

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