Discussion: Pruitt Is Reportedly Starting An EPA Initiative To Challenge Climate Science

Keep it up, boys. Just leave the real science, the real research, the real leadership of the world to other countries.


Sounds like they are fishing for a forum to make it easier to lie. The finger is already on the scale by giving each “side” equal footing. Even agreeing to this forum is ceding ground to lies.

There are facts that are explained by data or not. There are not sides.


Yes. Ex Gov. Goodhair was pushing the both sides buttons at DOE the other day


Well then there’s the Republican’s cost reductions right there, roll the EPA, Energy, and Ag departments in to one cabinet position and do away with two Secretaries and their unders for a cost savings.


The EPA as we know it is basically dead for the next 3.5 years. Just going to be a shit show until we get real leadership. I hope Pruitt gets indicted for crimes against humanity at some point for such grossly negligent behavior.


Gee, if only we had an objective, peer-reviewed, transparent discussion about global warming.

Maybe from The American Association for the Advancement of Science, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians, The American Astronomical Society, The American Chemical Society, The American College of Preventive Medicine, The American Geophysical Union, The American Institute of Physics, The American Institute of Biological Sciences, The American Medical Association, The American Meteorological Society, The American Physical Society, The American Public Health Association, The American Quaternary Association, The American Society of Agronomy, The American Society for Microbiology, The American Statistical Association, The Crop Science Society of America, The Geological Society of America, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The International Arctic Science Committee, The International Association for Great Lakes Research, The International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, The International Union for Quaternary Research, The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, The International Wildlife Society, The Society of American Foresters, The Soil Science Society of America, The Union of Concerned Scientists, The US National Academy of Sciences, The US National Research Council, The World Federation of Engineering Organizations, The World Federation of Public Health Associations, The World Health Organization, The World Meteorological Organization, 34 national science academies, and 98% of all scientists surveyed.

Something like that.

Of course, that’s all pooh-poohed by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, The Koch Brothers, and Scott Pruitt’s Sunday School teacher.

So it’s a tough call.

I can see why people might be torn.




The remaining Paris Accord signers are facepalming.

And Angela Merkel is going to change the barcode on Trump’s G20 ID pass to the same one used on the fake TIME magazine cover. BUZZZZZZ…sorry, you’re not authorized to attend . [door slam]


Don’t evaluate too hard, Mr. Pruitt, you may not like what you find.


Since when is it in the EPA’s jurisdiction to challenge widely accepted science? And just how does Pruitt expect to get the best and the brightest to work on this project when no one with any self-respect will accept a job in this administration?


Screw stairs, I want one of these. Getting rid of the oppressive business-killing gravity regulations could make it happen.


I want to thank everyone who voted for this mentally ill flat earther.


So Hair Burgher will host the after-meeting karaoke? Sounds like a, well, um, winning idea.

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" true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective, transparent discussion " - yea, like that will ever happen with Scott Pruitt.


Hurray! It’ll be the rest of the world (and all of the scientists who’ve fled to universities and think thanks, not to mention the few who’ve stuck it out within the beast) versus the US government.


Quakes, volcanic eruptions, giant landslides and tsunamis may become more frequent as global warming changes the earth’s crust, scientists said on Wednesday [September 16, 2009].

A sign on the way to the beach here in S.F.


By implication, is Mr. Pruitt stating that the general study and advancement of scientific knowledge in the US is not accomplished through a true, legitimate, peer-reviewed, objective and transparent process? Or, is this process okey-dokey except for those cases where the results are not politically palatable?

I think this administration wishes to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when states could own people as property, and Jewish physics had not yet contaminated pure Aryan physics.


Of all of the despicable acts from this administration, appointing Pruitt to the EPA disgusts and and upsets me almost more than anything else. His handling of the EPA will have cause drastic and critical long-term consequences that may not be reversible. I can’t even articulate how much his outright rejection and disdain for the scientific process, data and working scientists angers me. The effects of climate change are going to impact everyone person on the planet (not to mention the loosening of regulations on pollution in water and air. I could go on. Of course, he won’t live to see the fruits of his labors but my kids and my students will.


he had to read the fuckin lyrics. a real man of the people.


I guess this means the education secretary is convening a panel to evaluate creationism.

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