Discussion: Our Economic Problems Keep Changing, But The GOP's Answers Stay The Same

Discussion for article #232873

Aw, you noticed.

I see Jeb Bush is calling rehashing tired old GOP ideas ‘the right to rise’ in his speech today. It is a catch phrase that lends itself to unfortunate Freudian overtones.


…tendency to adapt a fixed ideology to changing circumstances…

They’re not so much “adapting” their ideology as they are re-packaging it.to appeal to current concerns among the voters.


The GOP reminds me of college students who work up one answer really well and then write that answer no matter what the question is on the exam. But applying the same answer in economics no matter what the situation just won’t work. Hell, even applying the same answer in the same situation is not guaranteed to work. I remember economics in college as the course where it didn’t do you any good to have the examinations from past years. They always kept the same questions and just changed the answers.


The Grumpy Old Party has no “new” ideas.
Their “Ideas” have been the same for a generation and more,
The only thing “New” are programs and people The Grumpy Old Party want to tear down and destroy in an effort to return this Nation to the 1920’s in terms of labor relations, the social safety net, and the general quality of life , particularly for those who are poor and voiceless.
They want to destroy Social Security for the disabled.
They want to “drown government n a bathtub” but have a big enough government to stick their noses into every women’s doctor’s office, and into every bedroom to regulate who is having babies and who gets to pick a life partner, along with how they live together.
They want to see an end to all types of federal regulation on business and commerce. Even the federal and state regulations for food fitness and employee sanitation. These are the people who don’t want restaurant workers to wash their hands after using the toilet. If anything ever summed up the dirty, sleazy, low down nature of a single group of political hacks with an agenda of self enrichment at the cost of everyone but themselves, this has got to be the case.
Expecting “new” Ideas from this political ilk is like expecting to wander down the street and have an intelligent conversation with a passing T-Rex.


Hell, in the 2000 campaign George W. Bush twisted himself into a pretzel with his:

“Since the economy is so good we ought to have a tax cut.”

that led to this:
“Since the economy is so bad we ought to have a tax cut.”


A Cant for All Seasons


They keep calling themselves conservatives but never actually say what they wish to conserve.

                                                     "2010 Congressional Elections"

Herman Wouk’s splendid book, “The Winds of War” portrayed a news-stand in Berlin with a number of newspapers from cities in different countries, reacting to the 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact (which preceded the September invasion of Poland which started WWII).

A newspaper from Belgium opened with the front page saying only…


Our politics, now dominated by the insane Republican House (which, under Boehner’s interpretation of the “Hastert Rule”, does not have to do anything but act as an Ed Sullivan Show for the Right Wing) was brought to us by those who decided to stay at home instead of taking a hour or two and voting.

These are not people who had to be registered.
These are not people who were harassed.
These are not people who were persecuted by Mr. Obama.

These are simply people who threw a hissy-fit and “took their football and went home”.

In 2010.


So now we have two of the GOP slogans for 2016 - Paul Ryan’s “envy economics” and Jeb Bush’s “right to rise” I don’t respect Ryan for any of his policies, but his slogan is catchier.

Yeah, so what else is new. According to the GOP mantra, we should be gloating over digital watches and microwaves and possibly FM.
Once we hit peak Christian capability, we had all that could ever be needed, or so says the Repub Reps on their smart phones and twitter feeds. Doh!
Mayberry was the cat’s meow or pajamas(?) not sure about that one and carburetor manufacturers were the do-all end-all.
The whole friggin’ Republican Party has no idea how big of hypocrites they are as they use technology to deny progress and evolution. Because they can Google, they know that man walked with Dino the dinosaur because its on the internet. The same internet that they spread their own cooked up lies on, Hellfuckinglo!
Their cars have more technology than space rovers and the swipe they make at the grocery store reveals more about them than walking through the halls of the House of Congress and yet, they know nothing and are proud of it. Science to them is arguable, questionable and political.
The science involved in the watch, phone and vehicle that they use is necessity but the same principles that brought them this same science/technology/progress is a slap to God’s holy face. No God is this flexible nor is any knowledge.

Look, the limited abilities of the Lord’s warriors aren’t the marching orders of the rest of us. They have been weighed, they have been measured and they have been found wanting. The Republicans have maxed out, they are at full tilt and that was somewhere around the planning stage of Pac Man. They are done as far as helping the nation move forward because there is more to it than the creative shuffling of the nation’s wealth upwards.

Progression is inevitable, the act of being liberal is just right and Democracy is the best way to govern unless the plutocrats are allowed to speak. Then the whole deal goes to hell, or somewhere, in a WalMart basket.

Its WalMart or bust or get bussed to WalMart, this is what it is has come down to my friends.

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It’s been the same since Reagan: eliminate taxes for the wealthy.

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Thank you, thank you very much.

I thought that I might get a few more likes on that one. I got going and it just wouldn’t stop : )

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As I was reading it, I felt your momentum build and was stoked to go along for the ride. “the limited abilities of the Lord’s warriors aren’t the marching orders of the rest of us.” … “The Republicans have maxed out, they are at full tilt and that was somewhere around the planning stage of Pac Man. They are done as far as helping the nation move forward because there is more to it than the creative shuffling of the nation’s wealth upwards.” Truly.

And “Its WalMart or bust or get bussed to WalMart, this is what it is has come down to my friends.” brought me to the standing ovation. Bravo once again.

I think your low likes suffered from low eyeball count on this article. Next time inspiration like this comes to you, by all means, let it keep flowing, it’s appreciated!

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Thanks again and your dead right, its an inspirational thing. When I read the highlighted segments by you of my own comment I wanted to give myself a like. It was one big vent for me. Unfortunately, that one brings ridicule, but thanks for picking out the best that lied within.

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You bet. I wouldn’t even call it a vent - you made a cogent argument using their own language, set up the numerous examples, drove home the conclusion. Albeit with some fire in your belly as one can sort of expect having 35+ years of this bizarro conservative worldview be so prevalent in our society. Cheers, have a nice weekend :slight_smile:

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