Discussion: Obama Rails Against Trump: He's 'Not Going To Make Your Lives Better'

Me too! but he and Michelle deserve a nice, long break.


“That is not going to make your lives better. That will help people like him.”

“When I hear working families thinking’ about voting for those plans, then I want to have an intervention,”

Well said Mr. President, well said!

I feel the exact same way. When I hear people say they support trump, I think, what the hell are you smoking racist?


I really do not think that it is prudent to just dismiss Trumps statements with respect to mass deportation as “fantasy”. Many Trump supporters also know that mass deportations are unlikely. What they hope is a combination of:
(a) Mandating employers to use e-Verify for direct hires and their sub-contractors and penalizing those who fail to do so;
(b) Federal government looking the other way when states with Republican governors (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Alabama etc.) pursue increasingly draconian anti-immigrant policies which is enforced by ‘local’ heroes’ such as Joe Arpaio; and
© Federal government throw their weight in and around the border with a specialized force. A few high-profile incidents (killings) against criminal elements from south of the border would be suffient to galvanize the country as a whole against immigrants,

would put the Mexicans, and other communities in their ‘rightful’ place. There are enough idiots who would love to ‘show’ to others how ‘law and order’ would work.

I hope the democrats should take what Trump says seriously, and describe in vivid detail to the electorate what exactly his statements would mean in practice. Dismissing what Trump says as ‘fantasy’ lets him off the hook too easily.

It was always inevitable that Pres. Obama would be campaigning one way or another, but after this speech I’m convinced that he’s going to win Sec. Clinton the nomination. He is in his element. He gets to take down Trump and the GOP who has obstructed everything for eight years.

I have my criticisms, but overall I love this president. There is a reason his approval ratings keep rising. His common sense, tell it like it is approach is just what Clinton needs.


Why not mention how well their unfunded wars, fed and environmental deregulation, tax cuts and unilateral foreign policy has worked over the course of past GOP presidencies dating back to raygun. Or better yet monetize the results in terms of how these policies resulted in lost savings/ flat wages, and lost lives.

Trump rails, the President DOES NOT!!

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Like you said, ‘he’s just an asshole’. We can reference the DSM-5 or just call him greedy, but to give credence to the idea of ‘hierophantic wisdom’ is just as mystical as many classification of mental illness.

I’m reminded of a statement by Harry S Truman.

Someone, perhaps a reporter although I’m uncertain about that, yelled out “Give’m hell, Harry.”

Truman laughed, and then responded. “I don’t give’m hell. I just tell the truth
and they think that’s hell.” Sounds like our current President has taken a page from Harry’s playbook
and I think that’s great.

Or global thermonuclear war.

WOPR: “The only winning move is not to play.”

Trump will play Global Thermonuclear War beautifully! It will be global thermonuclear war like you won’t believe!

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