Discussion: Obama Rails Against Trump: He's 'Not Going To Make Your Lives Better'

A descent from narcissism to galloping megalomania followed by a complete breakdown was always in the cards and the most likely outcome.


You nailed it!

Iā€™m really gonna be missing Mr Obama.


The President ā€˜railedā€™? He ā€˜tore intoā€™? Cā€™mon. This is OBAMA. He told the audience what they should beware of. He ā€˜educatedā€™.


The President was so on his game yesterday. He never acknowledged Trump by name. He called him the republican candidate. He was stellar, delicious and so on his game. He gave a nice economics lesson to the people of Elkhart Indiana to remind them that unemployment was 19% in their area when he took office and it is now 4% and reminded them of all the progresses weā€™ve made and how it makes no sense to go back, He was beyond fabulous, as usual.


I want to lock all the doors in the WH so he can;t leave.


Ralph, itā€™s certainly and sadly true that weā€™re all better off if a notorious private citizen is mocked than if a dangerous candidate is being argued against. Trump presented little threat to the republic in 2011. But I think contempt-laden condemnation from the likes of Obama, Clinton, Warren et al. may well be the high-water mark and a thing Trump should enjoy while it lasts. If character is destiny, and most of the time it seems to be, mockery and rejection are his ultimate fate. Heā€™s turned the public understanding of what and who he is into a kind of pyramid scheme over the years, and I think thereā€™s a bunch of strong evidence itā€™s about to crumble. Could be the optimism talking but heā€™s got dueling fraud trials, Mark Cuban wondering aloud if heā€™s a billionaire, an entire political party acting like the parents of a bride whoā€™s made a deeply foolish choice in the husband departmentā€”but I prattle on. We could all continue the list, though. Heā€™s having a pretty crummy week, letā€™s put it like that.


Trump reminds me of my beloved Labrador Retrieverā€“now gone. When riding in the backseat of the car, he would cock his head and stare at the window when he wanted it opened. I would see him from the driverā€™s seat and push the button to open his window. I KNOW he thought that it was his cocking his head and staring that opened the window. Pavlovian. Thatā€™s rump.


Heā€™s just an asshole. Lots of billionaires are just like him. Itā€™s unusual that a mere millionaire is so obnoxious and conceited, though.

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 And usually the answer is he doesnā€™t have an answer.ā€

Sorry, Mr. President ā€¦ But, as of yet, the word NEVER is more apropos ā€”

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Obama doesnā€™t say the name because is respecting the practice of the Republican leadership.


Itā€™s funny you mention that. I read a while back that experiments with pointing, etc. seem to have established that cats and dogs can grasp whatā€™s called the ā€œtheory of mind,ā€ the understanding that other individuals have their own subjective world, thoughts, feelings, etc. If you point, theyā€™re capable of understanding youā€™re a separate person with your own thoughts, one of which is that youā€™d like them to look where youā€™re pointing.

And Trump, he canā€™t do that. A cat or a dog has a more sophisticated understanding of the difference between itself and another consciousness than does Donald Trump. Heā€™s like some sort of primitive life form, a virus or bacillus, mindlessly responding to various stimuli. As Mark Singer put it, heā€™s got ā€œan existence unmolested by the rumblings of a soul.ā€


Well, yes, for anyone except Trump. As if they count!
From the podium, he will be in heaven. An that is all that counts, right?

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I wouldnā€™t blame you for getting impatient with the amateur psychologizing but I canā€™t agree on this one. Iā€™ve known plenty of rich folks. Some are, indeed, entitled assholes. I donā€™t think thatā€™s a form of mental illness. A number of therapists have publicly said heā€™s pretty obviously and severely got NPD going on. Thereā€™s a ton of other disturbing stuff going on over the years with him, and it fits any criterion you want to look at for mental disorder, abnormal psychology, and so forth. Boy ainā€™t right.

Sounds heavenly. I can see Trumpā€™s angels singing their deadly hymn. Donā€™t blink, by the way. Blink and youā€™re dead.:

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As Iā€™ve said before, I hope HRC has good psychologists advising her on how to handle rump. In some ways, it will be cruel because the goal is not to be therapeutic but rather to unravel him, but hell, the Republic is at stake.



Commonsense isnā€™t a flourishing attribute of hyperbolic news-barkers :scream:

You are right that I am impatient with amateur psychologizing. I also recall amateur analyses of Bush being pronounced. The kind of therapist who will publicly diagnose someone they have not met is not generally the kind I respect. Trump can be diagnosed as unfit for office without resorting to armchair diagnosis.

My feelings on this matter are colored by an event of about 40 years ago. Reuben Fine, a practicing Freudian analyst as well as a chess grandmaster, at one time ranked in the top five players in the world, publicly humiliated Bobby Fischer with some sort of diagnosis. I believe he violated professional code in doing so. Additionally, as a player who had been absolutely destroyed by Fischer on the chessboard, he had an ulterior motive.

Therapists are a kind of modern clergy. To proclaim someone as mentally ill is a bit like calling someone a sinner in that the layman in either setting does not have access to the hierophantic wisdom behind the pronouncement. There are better ways to deal with Trump.

I know some very wealthy people ā€“ Most are very cognizant of the world around them ā€“ But there are a few who have a serious ā€œsicknessā€ ā€“ GREED ā€“ Dollar signs spin in their heads as though the arm was pulled on the ā€œone armed banditā€ ā€“ Problem, though, is that the spinning never stops ā€“
It seems to be such a distraction, that they lose any and all realization that there are consequences to any action ā€” And they seem quite addicted to the phenomena ā€“ When it takes hold, it is very common that the behavior leaves devastation in itā€™s wake ā€“

They are quite the " dollar chasing after a dime" folks ā€” And it is clinical ā€“
I (almost) feel sorry for him ā€”

Psyops, the military calls it. Allā€™s fair in this situation.

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