Discussion: Obama Meets 12-Year-Old With Cerebral Palsy Who Was Kicked Out Of Trump Rally

Wow, for the 10,000th timeā€”what a despicable piece of shit Trump is.
Itā€™s really part of a rigged system for Obama to meet the boy.
Totally rigged.


And my member of Congress, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, WA 5th District, who has a developmentally handicapped son, continues to endorse Trump. Disgusting, just disgusting.


Hooray for JJ!

And his mom.

ETA: This Facebook post by reporter Kimberly DeFalco gives a much better picture of what actually took place. This post was also the genesis of the social media networking that led to the meeting with Obama.

And yes, Drumpf actually said (of JJ) ā€œGet him outta here.ā€


We hate him too, J.J. Weā€™re going to chase him back where he came from. And good luck to you. Youā€™re a very brave young man.

ETA When you think it canā€™t get worse, when you canā€™t hold him and them in any more contempt or feel more disgust, they show you how wrong you are.


Iā€™ve seen her ads. They are as mindless and cringeworthy as she is. (shudder)


Can I do more than ā€˜likeā€™ this pic? The country had a major case freak out when this talented, kind, deliberate, man was elected POTUS. We will miss him and his family.

Why the freak out? He is a dem, and his skin is dark.

I will miss him in office, and his family in the White House.


She is horrible. Hopefully she will be voted out of office soon.


In the past, I may have disapproved of a Republican candidate. May have thought they were idiots and/or evil. May have thought they were glorified pole dancers.

This year, the Republicans have nominated someone who I viscerally hate. Canā€™t wait to see his defeat and see his supporters realize that, no, they arenā€™t ā€œthe majorityā€ in this country.

Eat Shit and Bark at the Moon, HO and HO-suckers.


Lack of media coverage of this type of story as well as lack of coverage of all of Trumpā€™s criminal activities that are currently in the courts is why we are in the position we are in.


ā€œYesterday, this young man was kicked out of a Trump rally. As he was leaving, people kicked at his wheelchair.ā€
Seriously, who kicks a wheelchair much less one with a child in it? What is wrong with these people?


Just read this same story at the Huffington Post and was going to share it here. Just incredible. Love our President.

May the Republican candidate go straight to hell and stay there.


They are fascist thugs? No, thatā€™s not snark.


I want HO and his supporters humiliated by the loss.


God, what they have reduced themselves to! This would be far fetched in a movie script. And, to be clear, while I hate Trump, I place this entirely on the head of the Deplorables in the audience. People should hiss at them when they go out in public.

ETA: Bravo to President Obama. The fact that I expected no less from this gracious decent man shouldnā€™t keep me from applauding it.


Iā€™m right there with you, my friend. :slight_smile:


Just remember this: Trumpā€™s fan base believes it was a good thing to kick this kid out of the rally. And Trumpā€™s fan base will still be around after tomorrow, probably angrier than they are now.


Hereā€™s the thing thatā€™s killing me. In the course of his campaign, the man has endorsed and incited violence against ā€œOthersā€ at his rallies, heā€™s established himself as an adherent to an unabashedly authoritarian, anti-democratic, nihilistic ideology. Heā€™s enunciated a theory of white nationalist racial grievance politics in terms that only moderate Republicans and certain members of the press seem to have trouble hearing. Heā€™s time and again demonstrated his contempt for, and incited hatred against, racial, ethnic and religious minorities. Now heā€™s capped his campaign off with a Riefenstalesque antisemitic screed that only moderate Republicans and certain members of the press seem to have trouble hearing. And, just in case thereā€™s the slightest doubt about whatā€™s going on here, a candidate who kept a book of Hitlerā€™s speeches by his bedside for nighttime reading and whoā€™s surrounded himself with Alt-Right propagandists, has expressed his contempt and sick loathing for the physically disabled time and time again. And yet none dare call it what it is.

At this point, I honestly think he could adopt a swastika into his campaign logo and still not be called out as a Nazi. Which bodes ill, because heā€™s now normalized this disease into the mainstream of Republican ideological thought.


Courage in a small body. Trump (and his supporters) could learn a lesson from him. Except that they donā€™t learn lessons. If they did, they wouldnā€™t be Trump supporters.


ā€œThe crowd started chanting ā€˜U-S-Aā€™ and pushing his wheelchair,ā€

Welcome to trump meruca. Arenā€™t we great?

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