Discussion: Oath Keepers Stand Down In Feud Between BLM And Oregon Gold Mine

Discussion for article #236630

What’s this “constitutional activists” nonsense? Please don’t give these clowns more credence than they deserve. These guys are little more than insurgents/domestic terrorists.


More likely they are “standing down” due to lack of news coverage. Doesn’t look like the happening place they expected, does it?


I dunno, call me a cynic, but I think the way you demonstrate your fidelity to your nation’s most cherished ideals is not necessarily by standing around someplace among a bunch of heavily armed idiots like yourself until enough days pass that even you realize what you’re doing is kind of pointless and stupid and you all trail off home.


I couldn’t get past the opening sentence for the article.

A group of armed constitutional activists providing security at an Oregon gold mine…

Is this a stock lede paragraph TPM has on-file?
This? Is horsesh^it.

Can TPM ask itself the following and come away with an ‘affirmative’ for their description of Oathkeepers?

  • Do Oathkeepers have authority to provide security for anyone?
  • Do they have permits?
  • Are they licensed?
  • Are they incorporated?
  • Have a Federal Tax ID#?

Then just stop it with the giving of credence.
Can’t you just call them what they are?

A bunch ex-military and ex-LEO yahoos with guns-- and a heightened sense of paranoia.

Can we please introduce a modicum of sanity at one of the few trustworthy news-sites?




I wonder if the black community will start arming themselves to protect the hood against police abuse. They will get more respect and deference if they are defending their 2nd amendment rights like these winger Constitutional doofeses.


I have said this repeatedly! When will black folks start taking the NRA’s rhetoric seriously and start marching through nice, comfortable white communities while carrying long rifles? When will black folks start availing themselves of their 2nd Amendment right to resist tyranny with their firearms?

I will bet anyone any amount of money that if the Black Panther Oath Keepers or Muslim Oath Keepers had done this, there would have been a very different outcome than what happened here.


Fuck this noise. Arrest everyone involved and just make sure that the BLM contingent includes an FBI sharpshooter. It’s way past time when the feds need to stop essentially appeasing these people. They are deranged and need to serve jail time.


The Oaf Kreepers are kreeping off to find a more media-productive venue.


TPM is getting worse every day. Sorry, but it’s the truth. It is becoming like the NY post


Sharpshooter? I was thinking drones.


So next time I don’t want to obey the government I’ll just call the Oath Keepers?


If we could just find that good guy…




But they’re not “thugs” right?


Black communitys did with the Black Panthers. The contemporary MSM molded American perceptions of the BPs differently than the current MSM does for the Oathkeepers. And Rupert Murdoch’s evil empire had yet to land on these shores when the Black Panthers were around.

The task of filling in the blanks I’d rather leave to you.


It’s part of the Feds’ ‘divide and conquer’ strategery…
Keep the BundyBunchesOfOathers running to protect their constitutional rights…

The shitty framing language TPM is using here aside, where the rubber meets the road is when these clowns lose in court over the mining rights, which were in fact signed over to the BLM back in 1961.

Will the armed lunatics again try and run-rough shod over the rule of law?

Given this is Methford… er Medford down in Southern Oregon, we shall see.


I do not get why the guy even asked for their help. It sounded like a paperwork and confusion issue that was maybe going to cost the mind a little more. It seems like some people really like to yell persecution and government overreach. These are the same people that want to punish everybody that does not go their way.

Conservative business person committing some sort of crime against the taxpayers, don’t worry there are people to help you violate the law and potentially escalate things to 11.


How so?

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