Discussion: North Carolina Guv Files Suit Against DOJ Over Anti-LGBT Law

Yeah, i was kind of being facetious.

But as NC AG, Cooper had an obligation to advise the governor last week on how to proceed, not to mention as a gubernatorial candidate an opportunity to make it clear to the electorate the differences between him and McCrory in November.

I’ve said it before, but one of the qualities we look for when we choose our leaders is leadership. Cooper may very well be giving McCrory enough rope to hang himself, but having watched Kay Hagan throw away a very winnable Senate race as an incumbent 2 years ago because she thought presenting herself as the most moderate Senator in history was good strategy, i’m going to need some more convincing that Cooper’s plan will work.

This is the time that Cooper should be making sure everyone knows his name. Instead, he hasn’t been in the news since the end of March, that i can tell.


I have to wonder what they will say when a transgender female who for all intents and purposes looks like a female, and uses the men’s room and vice versa. How do you enforce it ? Let me see your dick/vagina before I let you in this restroom?
This country has lost it fucking mind.


“Shit in his own mess kit” LOLOLOL! I gotta use that one!


Who pays for this jackass lawsuit? The taxpayers of NC?
Well, they elected this clown, and elections have consequences.


Gov. Pat McCrory is really getting mistreated by the DOJ. He’s attempting to enforce laws protecting the public. According to the North Carolina Public Safety Department in 2015 there were 189 women and children assaulted, raped, molested or harrassed in public restrooms by men pretending to be women, under the guise of identifying as transgender.
Oh, wait, I misread that press release. it wasn’t 189, it was zero. Nevermind.


…and who will pay the lawyers, Pat?

I believe he’s referring to previous decisions that have already come out of the 4th Circuit that make it unlikely the court will rule in their favor. North Carolina’s lawsuit must be filed in the 4th Circuit, since that is the district they are in. They don’t have a choice, so nowarino’s comment is meant to be sarcastic.


Funny how quickly they wrote up and signed this law into action and now it’s going slow as moleasses! I hope McCrory is kicking himself in the nuts for signing onto this stupid fucking bill. I’m guessing he’s a businessman that doesn’t really give a shit about transgendered or gay folks and only signed onto this thinking he need it to to keep right wing loons on his side in the upcoming elections.It will be so sweet if Republicans in NC lose a lot positions in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of NC government over this!



On the deadline for North Carolina to respond to a Justice Department letter saying its sweeping new anti-LGBT law violates civil rights, Gov. Pat McCrory ® announced Monday he was suing the federal government.

I look forward to reading the eventual Supreme Court decision written by Justice Garland, or President Clinton’s SCOTUS pick - because you know it’s eventually going to end up there.


That’s a long shot exacta. He’s placing his win bet on the 4th Circuit and as @nowarino has pointed out that is a very long shot if the Court is going to remain internally consistent.


Maybe, but these things usually take a while to go through the federal courts. It’s unlikely it would get to the Supreme Court in time to be heard before a new Justice is confirmed.

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Does anyone think McRory will grow a pair and admit this mess is his and his alone?

McCrory is a right-wing Republican.

Therefore, he lacks the genetic capability to admit any error or to apologize for being a total dick.


and how much of this cluster phuck is it gonna cost the people of N.carolina??? I hope shit loads of money cause they will loooooose big on this like every other bigoted lawsuit these assholes file

These hillhocks need to be made an example of. Pull every bit of funding and watch the right wing dinosaurs climb over each other to kiss ass. Call their bluff and do it tomorrow. No muss, no fuss.

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Yep, recall Wallace "standing in the schoolhouse door? He moved with a bayonet in his face.
That, too, was kabuki for the yahoos.

Some pundit was on NPR this morning saying that since there won’t be any federal funding repercussions because there is some 30 day deadline - I couldn’t catch all of it, but just the threat of losing federal funding whether it comes to pass or not is probably gonna hurt. Ted Cruz’ little government shutdown cost 19 billion to taxpayers according to one estimate due to increased interest payments we have to make to our creditors - I’m sure business interests are watching NC and will make some long term decisions due to the actions of jacka** McCrory

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Isn’t it great that now when anyone mentions North Carolina most people think of public bathrooms.?

Apologies to all NC TPM readers and to the millions of good NC residents who don’t want this awful law.

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If that’s McCrory’s strategy, he’s dumber than he lets on.

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And he’s a Republican, which means he’s already letting on to be pretty dumb.

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