Discussion: NC GOPer Hopeful Trump's US Attorney Will Prosecute Voter Fraud In Guv's Race

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Another one with tiny hands.

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and because it’s not easy to hide a conspiracy involving more than 10K + people… a blind person could see it…


a blind person…

please send in Matt Murdock… that’s the ticket…

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Yes, there’ll be a couple of Trump supporters who voted twice—that’s been the pattern wherever fraud has been found.


Shut up and comb your hair, Dallas.

God I just purely hate this lying, red, inflamed raging asshole.

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I mean, jesus, Trump’s official party organ, his son in law’s rag, is demanding an FBI crackdown on what they’re referring two as “violent” protests against him and this asshole is now making noises with his mouth that I hear as “we need show trials and political prisons to teach Those People not to get uppity and think they’re still allowed to vote.”

We’re headed to a very, very dark place people. And all the Pollyannas hoping and claiming that maybe it won’t be that bad and he’s got the right to blow up the world if he wants to because he “won” the election are just volunteering to be the first victims.


The total population of Bladen County is about 35,000. McCrory won the county with 8,312 votes to Cooper’s 7,263. McCrory actually performed better there in 2016 than he did in 2012 (he lost by about 550 votes). What the fuck are they even screaming about?

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I would assume that the numbers that were reported were not the numbers that the fix in for, hence something hinky happened to our “fix.”

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Woodhouse is a special kind of turd. As I recall, his mother called into a C-SPAN show and read him the riot act.

If that’s what the US Attorney finds, it will be proof of God.
Of course, it would never see the light of day. That finding, and the poor souls who found it, would never be heard of again. They would spend the rest of their careers using eminent domain to throw farmers and ranchers off their land so that border security could build the wall. Oops–strike that. So that we could pay private contractors to build the wall.

For ten years or more the righties have been screaming voter fraud here in Wisconsin. Every single verified incident of in-person voter fraud we’ve found has been Republicans voting multiple times for Walker or Johnson or both. One guy voted six times!

Oh, and how many total you ask? Four is the magic number. Four people over a ten year period.


Bless his heart. Dallas should spend the next 4 years investigating that “illegal ballot harvesting mill” down in Bladen County. The future of the Democracy rests on the District Soil and Water District Supervisor having a write in challenger. If he stays busy he won’t have time to engage in purging voters illegally.

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Yeah but sincerely, I have no faith that you would not throw a 90 yr old who did not have “proper ID” into jail… How dare they try and vote in our elections. I mean come on, don’t we all as americans have the right to vote in elections? Then why not make it easier? Why not encourage students in school to automatically be registered? Seriously we can’t invest in a “Motor school law” for all in state students (or those who have resided in-state for a year or more)? We can’t make it easier, so that more than 46-47% of the US voting age population votes?


Why do vote fraud claimers always assume that the other side was the perpetrator?

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It’s the small size of his big head I worry about.

Same thing in Iowa. A Trump supporter was arrested and charged with voter fraud–when the records showed that she had voted twice.

There is no voter fraud and he lost because he’s a dick. Simple as that.

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