Discussion: NBC News President Wants An Edgier 'Meet The Press'

Judging by the comments, no one seems to have read the entire article.

MTP is, in part, returning to its original format, with a panel of journalists interviewing guests.

Turness said that the one-on-one interview format is an 80s relic, more or less.

This makes Upchuck Toad less important than if he were the sole interviewer.
I’m willing to withhold judgment until I see how it plays out over the next six to nine months.

Apparently, the “liberals” who comment here have already pre-judged the show----which is a very GOP method of analysis.


Hmm…does hiring a clown to run it count as making your program “edgy?” If so there are a lot of edgy children’s birthday parties out there.

Show me the guest list and then I’ll care.

John McCain, someone else, John McCain, someone else, John McCain…now are you excited?


How many of the “someone else” are his Life Partner?

Can NBC find a sufficient number of real journalists to fill out a panel or are we going to be stuck with Republican pundits and conservative commentators?

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Guests are booked only a few days in advance of each show, depending on the news, who’s available and “hot,” and who’s doing the booking.

I would imagine that the booking staff—a very important group—will be changing since Gregory has now left the network.

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They can probably save a bunch of money on limos of they just pick up the Faux and Friends crew in a pack.

While not a fan of “wrestling”, I have to admit that seeing a few of the talking heads and pols getting body slammed would make for an entertaining Sunday morning.

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We’ll have to see who they use before writing them off—unless you want to behave like a Republican.

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Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but I’ll believe an actual change once I’ve seen it.

They long ago pissed away the benefit of the doubt.

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What they really need to do is invite John McCain on more often. That young feller will bring the show the edge it sorely needs!


Why would you imagine that?

Look, I always thought Gregory was a softball right wing hack, but if the booking staff was thought to be the issue (it is definitely a big part of it), it would have been far cheaper, less messier and less public to replace them than Gregory. Especially when you consider you aren’t making an upgrade going with Todd…just a different face.

This is the ratings in the toilet and sinking lower, someone needed to fire someone public to give the appearance that they are on the job. Basically putting a new paint job on an old jalopy.

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re Ms. Turness: It’s always the fish who discovers water last.

Gotta take it to at least McCain in chaps and Graham in a hoop skirt.

(but the thought of Noonan makes me queasy).

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This video will bust this thing wide open like the Romney 47% video did the election! It’s Chuck Todd at a planning meeting with Deborah Turness. David Corn, you ain’t got nothin’ on this scoop!

Note the RINO.

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This NBC exec continues to show how clueless she is about what the problem was with MTP.

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Until edgy includes not accepting off-topic talking points as an answer, I’m not coming back to watch.


Notice how Chuck Todd sailed up the career ladder without a college degree. Now that’s what I call affirmative action.

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By “edge,” does Turness mean “follow-up questions?”

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