Discussion: Murdoch: 'I Thought Romney Was A Terrible Candidate'

Discussion for article #232081

i do not like romney. but… he was the least worst of the ridiculous gaggle that the republicans put up. inre rupert murdoch, i think he is a terrible human being and a sourge on this country.

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okay jebbers, the runway is cleared, you can run for the prez job with the blessings and lots of media from the guru of unfair and imbalanced outfoxya kind of stuff. Plus dark money to keep the wife happy. Don’t want to spend hers on your hobby of running for president.

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Murdoch is clearly right in his assessment of Romney. Sadly his assessment is probably being read by Romney and Romney will drop out before he does much damage to Jeb.


Didn’t stop Murdoch from pimping Mitwit to the entire country the last time around, directly from the bowels of Faux Nooz. And now he agrees with the Wall Street Journal (his own publication where his editorial page is about as bent as any Teabagger) that RMoney had his chance and blew it. Now that’s funny.

Next up: Karl Hamhead tells us what he thinks about Mittens running against Bush…Stay tuned…or Not.


Now there is some genius observation. No wonder Faux news is the leader in misinformation or, Faux news, to be more exact.
And guess what, as much of a goober as Romnerd is, he knows that Rupert Murdoch is just as lame as he is.

These two peas come from the same malformed pod.

Is it possible you’re confusing competence with quality?

I regard the idea of Romney’s candidacy more dangerous than that of any other declared presidential candidate not last-named “Bush” since Hoover, because Romney’s the single most capable person in his party’s history not last-named “Bush” since Hoover of delivering on the promises to his party’s base and otherwise killing off even the fingernail grip association this country has with constitutional democracy.

But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism under the style of Constitutional and Traditional Native American Liberty.

  • from Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here

“No,” Murdoch said according remarks obtained by Politico. “I like Jeb Bush very much.”

And that’s it for Mittens. One clown down, many more to go…

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but also made some mistakes like never laying “out an economic narrative to counter Mr. Obama’s claim that he had saved the country from a GOP Depression and needed more time for his solutions to work.”

What would’ve he said to counter the truth, as has been evidenced?

Murdoch thinks selecting Ryan was a good idea? Ryan is a lightweight and not at all presidential “material.”


The Journal editorial called Romney an uneven candidate in 2012 —he had some strong moments like picking Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) as his vice presidential nominee but also made some mistakes like never laying "out an economic narrative to counter Mr. Obama’s claim that he had saved the country from a GOP Depression and needed more time for his solutions to work."

Not a “claim”, assholes – the TRUTH!


Excuse me. Rupert does not agree with the WSJ. The WSJ agrees with the owner, naturally.

Shorter Murdoch: “Remember the non-stop gushing we did over Mitt on Fox, in the WSJ, the New York Post? Haha, we were just kidding.”


Don’t worry Willard. They’re fair and balanced.

I’m not sure Romney is that self-aware.


That picture is emblematic of what is wrong with the Republican Party.

Palpatine has spoken. “Jeb Vader…RISE.”

Nor did Romney make that selection…it was forced upon him by the right wingers because they simply didn’t trust Romney…even after he won the nomination.


Australia’s scourge released to the United States.

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